@PommeDeReinette: Good point. It's wrong of me to judge an entire country by that one article.
@PommeDeReinette: Good point. It's wrong of me to judge an entire country by that one article.
Wait, so you're saying that women in China are "allowed" to be feminine and still be respected? Isn't it . . . kind of culturally mandatory?
ack, double post, thorry
@Faceless Stranger: yay, i'm reading this right now. as in i just read this passage on the commute to work this morning.
augh, this song was ALREADY in my head today. great.
Uh, it's spelled Ashleeeeeee.
yeah, man. salad cream is some nasty shit. see also: canned hot dogs. i've taken a lot of wtf photos in london supermarkets.
i love how he just wanders in off the street, then gets out of there in a red-hot hurry. "whups, uh, sorry, i was looking for 'the 700 club.' as you were, ladies."
kathy's 50, FYI.
I like Edward Gorey and all, but I'm with him re. wearing fur. Grose.
@oliviamarie: ha, it's true! seattle's slogan is "umbrellas are for tourists."
@RayBradbury's_ElephantMonastery: i have one really old free one from the trash bar in williamsburg. from like 2008.
willow smith will be allowed to see? in 2011? is she being forcibly blindfolded this year?
@oliviamarie: where do you live? i'm in seattle and i don't carry an umbrella.
you keep underwear in your purse? really? do you keep it in a special grit-free underwear keeper?
i'm so getting business cards that say, "meg van hydrozoa, notorious polymath."
i caught my boyfriend crying at "toy story 3" on a flight last week. "andy THREW AWAY his TOYS."
@rubyred: hearted.
could the diva cup name have a stupider name?