
boyfrere and i just decided like an a hour ago that we need counseling. good timing, jez.

ahhh, that's my baby tuplin when she gets big.

• age: like, 6 and on

i used to have a lipstick in the '90s called café whoopie.

i just traveled to and from iceland last week and never got the body scanner treatment. about 90 percent of the people i know inquired about it, but nope. i dunno why.

@jonesjl: hearted! i say this in my head all the time but never aloud—i don't expect anyone to get it.

vili fualauu DJs around town a lot, including a dance night series called "hot for teacher."

it's not the, well, smartest term, but i think you may be going out of your way to get offended here.

so my brother, sister, and brother-in-law were all crowded around the table after thanksgiving dinner, just dying all over the floor about how my brother knows a gay man who has a rainbow sticker on his car.

dude, what new york thrift stores? i lived there for two years and the thrifting was a fucking joke. totally picked over, and if there was anything decent, it was almost as though it had been marked UP from the original price.

i want to dash that doctor's brains out on a river rock. i'm at work and i need to go take a walk or something because i can't even calm down right now.

wow, how stupid and depressing. i didn't know my arms needed vacuum-packing.

wow, they both had the same birthday, which is also my birthday. and both of them are N-V-T-S nuts. great.

@brick frog: hearted. i'm very sorry this guy happened to you, but you're a hell of a storyteller.

@Keep it cool: i would marry both of those men without knowing anything else about them. done and done.

oh, god, westminster is my fave. when i went the first time, i was exhausted from travel and i fainted on the grave of william gladstone. the verger guy pulled a piece of shortbread out of his robe and gave it to me, then sent me home.

i read this article and then totally went over to the office vending machine and got a little packet of almonds.

i'm dutch (-american) and i'd like to point out that the standard of living is a lot different in the netherlands. the women aren't just a bunch of lazy slags—they can AFFORD to work less, as can dutch men. i would be very surprised if this study only applied to women with dual-income households. it's not as cheap