Hybrid Cosplay

This is fucking delicious. 

LMAO You know you fucked up when Congress actually does something about it.

I guess they should’ve immediately called the authorities and arranged for Blitzchung to be sent to a re-education camp.

Then why did your social media team apologize to China first before any statement was given? OmegaLUL

I found a better way to make money

Oh my god. It’s not predatory. Fuck. He kept the game x number of days. It costs x dollars per day to keep said game. He returned it. He got charged the price of that There is nothing predatory about this. It’s just simple math and common sense.

I’m not saying they’re the best reasons... but the T5s are smaller, the “case” is better than the vast majority of 3rd party enclosures, and the built in encryption software is an easy to use security feature for the non-tech crowd.

I’m not saying they’re the best reasons... but the T5s are smaller, the “case” is better than the vast majority of

I think 3d printers have made it easy.

Those cringe lords of Cosplay probably stuck with what they loved and improved. Those guys we used to make fun of are in those pictures.

You’re the first person I’ve seen say that it’s obvious how it’s going to end so out of curiosity, how do you believe it’s going to end?

For one AX is still a non-profit con, so it’s still not really a company that’s running the convention. Staff nearly all the way up are volunteer with minimal time dedicated to the convention. SPJA may only run this con, but I bet you you’ll see familiar faces running other cons in this area all year. This manner of

Somebody get her a burka, stat!

I don’t think being closed to the public would stop security from robbing one of the devs at the show.

The last few con posts here that I’ve seen featuring Mineralblu photos have all included little watermarks indicating what the cosplay is, which is really appreciated!

Problem is that you can fake a gun or any moral weapon to look like something else entirely too. I’d ban umbrella’s, pens, clothing, suitcases, musical instruments and shoes too! In this age everything can be modified quite easily, even normal looking utensils.

D.va continues her strong skin game.

This is all I see

They cant send motherfuckers to the Abilene Texas Comic Dust Bowl just because there might be one hot chick there.

I love the girl Boss Jimbei!