Hybrid Cosplay

I see some errors in the cosplay. For instance, she’s holding the gun correctly.


I thought Dragon Age: Inquisition was great. Dunno why people have soured on it over time. Obviously it had some issues (epitomized by the Hinterlands) but I really enjoyed the combat, story, and characters. (Iron Bull!)

Can you break a hundred?

I lied.
I want 2 or 3.

She IS Tracer. The costume is great but that nose is just perfect. Love it!

Uber driver tells Uber CEO that he lost $97,000 because of him, and he went bankrupt because of it. Driver started pointing fingers in the CEO’s face after he basically told him how to run his own business. I’m not sure the tone of the CEO was unwarranted.

Counter point: Guy whose business acumen has led him to become an uber driver criticizes the business strategy of CEO who built a $70 billion company. CEO holds his ground.

There’s a long history of black people being described in the same terms as animals (bucks, bulls, etc.)—remember that’s what chattel slavery was about, people were livestock.

Because caring about canon in what is obviously a non-canon game is stupid?

I don’t like em either, but other people do. Who the fuck cares. It’s toys.

too skinny!

Yes, it’s still very popular, though of course nowhere near as popular as the initial release. And most places are happy to accommodate players. Obviously people who litter are assholes. But this idea that “you can only visit our park/establishment for the RIGHT reasons!” is absurd.

Looks more like Christian Bale to me.

It does seem...odd from a Western perspective, but it’s not unheard of. The bit about celebrities in the article reminded me of shades. Sunglasses were not seen as fashionable for a very long time, until celebrities started wearing them so they could blend in with the public and not be spotted. Sure enough, that made

Cons are a great place for these masks because they’re just giant cesspools of germs and diseases.