Hybrid Cosplay

With the amount of fake pokemon in competitive and people unable to transfer from certain generations, this makes sense. Probably one of the only few games that can benefit from NFT’s. So many rampant bootlegs that this just makes it neigh impossible to cheat or have hacked mons.

So.... Ash is Guzma. Got it.

Now playing

Pokemon XY also did this song. Which I honestly kinda like, especially having them sing along in a sense. Sigh.. now I have Greninja flashbacks.

They do when they can. It’s impossible to keep up with every single person you take a photo of. Most don’t even have any kind of social media and do it simply for fun. If you contact any photog with info to credit people, they tend to do it immediately. If you follow cosplay at all, or know any photogs, they tend to

It’s America’s Halloween culture that does that. Other countries are a lot more craft oriented when it comes to cosplay.

These guys go to these conventions on their own dime. Nobody is paying them to make these videos. Some photogs are lucky to get a press pass, and still have to pay flight/hotel/amenities. They go to these events because they have a job that pays for it, not because they’re making a living off of this.

Ugh... I did that to my 3DS. It made the 3D so annoying. It was a super tiny bug though, so it looked like a dead pixel

Captain America’s shaped like a damn Ninja Turtle too. Thor’s cape is all floaty making no sense making him look wide as hell too.

Dude, get Halotop ice cream, It’s ridiculously good for a low carb/calorie ice cream. You can honestly indulge and not feel guilty. A bit pricey though, but I think you’d dig it if you have a sweet tooth like me.

Which I find interesting, because most of the time I’ve heard someone say it was from a black people. Young buck this, buck that.

I shoot with this guy, he uses 3 different lights. He doesn’t do much in terms of adding adding shadow’s, it takes HOURS to shoot with him and usually what you see in the finished photo, you can on the camera screen.

It’s kinda sad that the United States faced Korea so early on, especially since they gave Korea the most trouble and only lost one map because they didn’t stay on the point in the final second after they killed the whole team.

Don’t ever try to out drink him... Bought him a couple beers a while back and he’d drink TWO AT A TIME. They wouldn’t go to waste either, he’d down them within 5 minutes of a conversation with little effort.

Ah, the hair spraying was done days before the accident. Since the hairspray dried up I really couldn’t tell it was dirty. I’m usually pretty anal about these sort of things, I’ve been wearing sclera’s for 3 years and never had a mishap till now (and honestly I don’t feel it’s my fault), but could happen to anyone.

Guy from article here. I’ve had friends actually peel off the protective layer of their eye with hairspray in the contact lens alone. The eye is very sensitive. The sclera lenses really are a bit tougher to put on and take off, so in a sense I still kind of pinch them to take them out, and I’m sure the hairspray

Somehow I feel Blizzard will make a cinematic that will make you cry and wish you put Bastion up higher. Though honestly, he is a pretty boring play of the game to watch.

Same goes for cosplayers with 10k-80k followers. Most cosplayers pay for their booths, promote, sell prints, and pay for travel (which gets stupid expensive if you have large props/armor) and don’t get a penny reimbursed. I mean, most of these cosplayers have a following larger than some actors/actresses, so the

Neigh, not even 1% of all these cosplayers do cosplay as a full time job. Even those with hundreds of thousands of likes struggle to pay bills, and make due. The boob streaming cosplayers tend to make a good income on twitch and patreon, but that’s about it... and they’re not even the crafty pro’s you’re on about. I’m

No such thing as eye drops that make your eyes black. Closest thing to that is that fluid for night vision that you have to inject into your eye that is used for night vision (which is still experimental). Though I’ve seen dumb people put food coloring in there eye, which goes away rather quickly, but kinda stains the

Those aren’t scleral lenses. I wear them often and they don’t cover your eye completely from profile view. You can see the outline of the contact lens. This photo is very shopped from several parts. Here you can see what it looks like without photoshop.