
I’m super late to reply, but I super LOVE weddings! Congratulations to you, I hope that your partner is someone who you can share this excitement with as well :) I’m a year or two off being engaged but I might already have a wedding Pinterest board... I resisted for so long, I swear! I’m so sorry about your situation

Thanks so much for the information!

I have been wondering for ages if you can still get waxed when you’re pregnant because I have never seen a heavily pregnant woman coming out of the beautician. Glad to know you can!

Omg no. That is horrific.

Sounds like an awesome way to handle it!

Yeah... I would try to shut that down. I don’t know you or this person but it sounds like trying to work a date out of you and you don’t want that, and it’s probably not a good idea given the nature of the support group. I’m not good at this aspect but “thanks but no thanks” is probably the way to go! If you give him

Best of luck to you, you’re doing the right thing as fuzz said. Having supportive family will be really helpful in this time. I’m sorry, but your husband sounds like a jackass and in all likelihood he won’t take this very well. Stay strong, the distance might make things easier if he tries to make it difficult for you

Could you try something like evening primrose or chaste tree? They are herbal remedies and while they won’t necessarily delay your period they do improve the side effects including acne and cramps. Other than that, perhaps load of pain killers and avoid bloat inducing foods that might increase the problem? Good luck!

I’m so sorry :( You are one of my favourite commentators (not that I wish ill on the others of course) and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Try to stay positive until you get the facts, and be glad that your Doctors seems switched on and hopefully caught it early. My thoughts are with you and your family at

I absolutely agree with you. I am the same. Introverted with social anxiety. If I get home and there’s no cars in the driveway I also get that wash of relief because it means that I can get through the house to my room and not have to even acknowledge anyone. I live with my Granma and my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I

I’ve been on here for 3, still grey :/ I don’t comment often though, just lurk, star and respond :)

I did the same: Australia, 5 people in the house, periodically cleaning out the toaster. Only details that changed: toast and a mouse. The scratching and screaming still haunts me.

That was one of the best moments of SATC I think :p It sounds like it’s not going to be too much longer of this then, which is fantastic! It sounds like you’ve got everything really well sorted (well as much as you can anyway) which sounds really positive :) I hope that everything works out and it’s onwards and

Oh wow, that sucks! I have no idea how you’re coping! I would be climbing the walls about now. Is there a plan in place to improve his stress levels? Like reduce hours, take some leave for you both to have a holiday or just relax, transfer offices etc? If there’s a plan in place that might help with the situation and

If you are both very invested in the relationship I would recommend couples counseling or individual therapy for you. My boyfriend is similar in that when confronted with a problem it would take a lot for him to say anything in response at all, which stems from his family situation growing up and abuse from his Mum’s

Absolutely! It would have been easy to drop cheap shots especially since I think her split with Will Arnett was quite fresh still(?) but she kept it so classy and sincere, there was not a single sentence that you could take to be anything other than appreciative and respectful (and believe me, I was looking).

I thought the same! She was very tactful around her breakup with Will Arnett which made me want to know all the dirty details. I guess it just gives her room to do another autobiography now this one is dated (pardon the pun)!

I blame it for a lot of things :p

That part did confuse me, I think somewhere I read that she discovered it wasn’t real when they did oral sex (I might be incorrect, it’s upthread somewhere). During penetration they certainly do feel different, but then this is a woman who consented to sex with a man who she only met online and who convinced her to

Thank god she gave up and just hope that she doens’t show with a cake on the day. I mean if you know the person there’s no reason why you couldn’t just say “we would like to thank everyone for coming along tonight, and thank you to Dorothy who chose to spend her 60th birthday with us” and be done with it. Or just say