
I agree to all of the above.

Ewwwwwww!!!! WHY???? So seedy. Ick.

Thank you, best of luck to you too! Plus congrats on your doctorate now and when you complete it!

That’s good, I’m glad you’re close to a diagnosis. It seems like a lot of people have to push to get diagnosed, I didn’t even know the symptoms when it was suggested to me.

See it’s midnight here and I just got up and made toast. I’ve never smoked pot. So at least you have an enjoyable excuse!

What are the chances, I just got diagnosed last week and was bummed I missed the social to ask about it. I felt slightly better knowing I wasn’t just hyper sensitive, a wuss, imagining it or making stuff up but everything else sucks. I’m only 22 (23 in April), are you in a similar age bracket? It just seems so young

I always wonder: why do these people alert the press? People lose and find things of value all the time, it never occured to me that it was newsworthy.

Ok my Dad is awful and he is the manipulative one in this situation but this is what he has made my mum do (who is sweet, caring, etc). Only responds to emails on a Thursday night. No text messaging (message is blocked). All phone calls go un-answered/sent to voicemail. Now I’m not advocating this as it is awful

Maybe try not obsessing over him (it’s so hard, I’ve been where you are). When you start thinking about him divert your attention to something else (smells, sounds, textures, phone games etc) so you are not engaging with those thoughts. Someone suggested to someone else once to focus on all the things about him that

That’s such a messy situation. Him locking you inside your house is messed up. I would see if you can get some sort of restraining order against him and block him on social media, phone, everything. Maybe shoot S a message and just say that you’re uncomfortable with how things turned out, don’t want to complicate her

Completely agree. Australia may be behind on some things but thank goodness for our healthcare system.


Those be some big cigars. Overcompensation perhaps?

They probably were majorly turned on and had to hurry back to the car to “finish”.


Yeah I agree, I found that personally I usually need both penetration and clitoral stimulation simultaneously to have an orgasm. I discovered this on purchasing my first rabbit too, after I’d been with my partner for well over a year. I was coming before then with bullets during. I don’t know if that’s still related

HOW???!!! We get background checked for general retail/office work, not to mention national security positions!


Right there with you, 22yrs old as well.

It’s absolutely digusting. If my partner did that to me with our animals or future children I would be OUT. The worst part it is has a “Boy Who Cried Wolf” feeling to it: what if one day something actually does happen to their kid and she thinks it’s him pranking her again?