15- No Love
15- No Love
Good thing they got the players to safety, nothing worse than hail denting your CarGo
+1 exit wound
An AR-15 or another long gun most likely wouldn’t have a pin guard that prevents it from firing a loaded round when dropped. It’s just the sudden change in direction that causes it to go off. Usually people that aren’t morons won’t keep their gun loaded to prevent this.
Former Editor/Child Enthusiast
In 1986 I was 2 years old. Just missed the cut, eh, A.J?
If eating at The Cheesecake Factory is a normal thing for you, you’re already dead inside.
Las Vegas Wayne Newtons
I’m actually driving up to Minneapolis in a couple of hours, so I’m sure to hear a bunch of passive aggressive comments about it.
Well, maybe Mark Davis would have the money for the new stadium if he stopped getting all those expensive haircuts
It was probably all surprised and spanish
The Patriots win championships though. I feel like this front office is actively trying to sabotage itself
I’m convinced Thibodeau drafted Dunn just to spite the Bulls front office. I miss him
I don’t know how people still let him get away with that song, and why no ball park has played it when Jose Altuve comes to bat...
If there’s one I’ve learned from my time jumping over children, it’s that you put the shortest kid in the back. Listen, you’re never going to clear them all, but at least you have a better chance. Short kids grow up to be short adults, who are statistically less successful. Don’t waste the tall ones
Instant upgrade over the aging Brian Campbell, who I hope the Hawks bring back..... Figure Florida realizes they only have 1-2 years left before Luongo falls apart and are going for it now. Will be exciting to see them exit in the first round again
Ben is taking interview advice from John Stamos
Who the fuck knows with this front office