
Freak Show was alright - not great but interesting enough. Hotel - couldn’t get past the second episode. In fact, I think I turned it off halfway through the second episode.

I couldn’t get past two episodes of Season 5. Jessica Lange’s absence was tremendously evident. And it was so over the top with the extreme rape, etc. that I was totally turned off.

Christ, people are actually taking this bullshit seriously. Dr. Oz sucks more than usual.

I wouldn’t invite them back!

She may be the ‘reasonable’ face of the Trump nightmare but it’s only relative. She’s as vile as the rest of the lot.

It’s not the pictures that make a pedo. I think people need to be more restrained but this little princess is a joke. Her baby pictures are not going to make anyone do anything they haven’t thought of before, because as I’m sure you know, this goes much deeper.

Who cares? A picture of you at 18 months old with or with out nappies is going to change the trajectory of your life? Lighten up, princess. it really isn’t anything to get excited about, considering you’re one of about a zillion people whose parents did the exact same fucking thing.

Oh Christ, really? The girl needs to get over it and the dad needs to find boundaries. As a parent I’m quite sure I have posted some less than savoury snaps of the kiddos over the years. You know how they dealt with it? They told me no more pictures unless I promised not to post them on social media. Agreed on all

I don’t. Ivanka in particular is a grown assed woman who knows exactly what she’s doing: riding the gravy train. The woman has never worked for anyone but her father and she knows which side her bread is buttered on.

There are times when I sigh at the idiocy of the Internet but then something like this sweeps across it and I remember what a powerful tool it can be.

I think Jim is clinging to the family man thing. I mean, he keeps getting married yet seems completely detached from all that goes with it. Like actually being into his wife.

Yeah, that’s something I want my home to smell like: baby spit up.

I read about that. I think she’s one of those stage 5 clingers. She won’t let go, no matter what. The guy has serial killer eyes but I don’t know if that’s from picking stuff out of her bum for her or because he’s genuinely scary. Chicken or egg situation for both their crazy. The upshot is they should probably split

I have no idea if it’s true or not but the rumour has been around for quite some time. If he is struggling I hope he comes to terms. One thing for sure, though, he is not into his wife. Hope she signed a good prenup.

She’s miserable so she’s happy at anyone else’s misery.

Yep. That’s what I keep reading all over the place.

Heather’s ‘tears’? She cries like Bethenny: lots of ‘tear action’ but no actual tears. They both suck as actresses.

Rumour has it he’s more into guys than gals. This is a HUGE rumour on gay sites and other places.

OC is a snoozefest these days but what the hell, I love breaking down these shows: