Yeah, it always seems to be about men getting the extra ladies, never about the ladies getting the extra men. I think their heads would explode if a woman had four ‘husbands.’
Yeah, it always seems to be about men getting the extra ladies, never about the ladies getting the extra men. I think their heads would explode if a woman had four ‘husbands.’
Ahh..the joys of reading the written word. If it’s not apparent we often miss the joke.
Yeah, I think I’m too old to hop on the Beyoncé bandwagon. For me, as a rather mature feminist. I look at Beyoncé and basically laugh. And then wonder how any woman in her right might could give herself over to a PR driven entity.
Eh, I’m not too fussed either way. Just remember Jezzies going nuts over some guy proposing at the Olympics, as if it was an attack on all that women are. Or something.
So Oprah is promoting a book that promotes the Reconciliation Industrial Complex, which explains away any and all bullshit behaviour by a cheating spouse, forcing you, the betrayed, to put all the focus on your poor suffering partner who was positively forced to cheat because golly, in 2016, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY OUT.
First time on the Tube, eh? Because there is much better stuff than this 90% of the time. Seems like an intern got a trip to London and came back to write a story. Hurrah! Jezebel continues down the hole of irrelevancy. And blogging. Oy vey.
Really? You’re hurt? Please tell me in what way? Because as a feminist from the old school I simply do not get what you’re saying and I cannot believe you are unable to brush off what were probably casual comments made without too much forethought without falling into a puddle of tears. Come on, girl. Buck up and stop…
Ugh. As an old feminist can we please stop focusing on how we are all such bloody victims? Because yeah, everything that ever happens to us is about being a victim. Just stop with this bullshit and get tough. Yoko can kiss my ass because in no way does she empower women. She just jumps on any bandwagon that is passing…
Wait a sec...wasn’t Jezebel all up in arms when a guy proposed to his girlfriend right after she won a medal at the Olympics?
This Trump kid looks the most villain-like.
Took one look at the replies to this thread and yep, see you later. Impossible to win in this one.
She seems pretty hung up on the phrase ‘sexual integrity’ which puzzles me. Does she think not getting laid gives her more integrity than those who choose to be sexually active, no matter what that might entail?
Catastrophe is brilliant. Cannot wait for season 3. I’m not so sure about this one.
Aiden was never hot.
That’s some seriously trite dialogue.
Christ, was I drunk when I wrote that last night. No idea, actually, what I was saying or what I was referring to. I’m still slightly drunk, btw. Excellent night!
I kind of love that she cries ‘I’VE HAD NO PLASTIC SURGERY’ whilst her entire face has morphed over the years. And the tennis ball tits - come on, lady. That shit ain’t real.
I don’t know anyone with an eating disorder and I don’t know much about it. But that’s fine as I’m kind of a normal human being in that I am interested and don’t want to rock the boat.
I’m a journalist and have also reviewed books. If you haven’t worked in the biz you have no idea what you’re talking about. I mean that not in a mean way but in a practical way. When you review a book you’ve got a narrow window of time to read and then come up with some pithy shit. No room for investigative journalism…
Nope. But nice try.