
Also, Bethenny sneering that Jules doesn’t have any money? What the fuck is that all about? Does she really think that is something to slam someone for?

If they want to comment on Tom that’s one thing but say it, discuss it, and move on. It’s when Bethenny is shrieking ‘You’re a whore! You’re a slut!’ and Carole is saying, ‘You don’t even know the names of anyone you’ve slept with’. Then Bethenny again: ‘You’ve slept with everyone in Manhattan!’

Now she’s saying it’s because Jules isn’t a good representation of NY Jewish women because ‘potty training, asking nanny if she’ll stand on line in the sample sales, using her husband as an ATM’.

If he does have a piece of it he’s going about protecting it the wrong way. Continually backing her whilst and digging his heels in whilst wilfully ignoring fans of the show is creating an enormous backlash. People are going after him now, because his bias is so disturbing. Can he not see that B has taken the best of

From what I’ve read on various blogs she’s pretty universally hated. And it’s more like ‘this bitch is not just toxic, she’s seriously disturbed’. Twitter has gone after her as well. Carole is more an object of derision for being B’s lapdog and an overall superior sourpuss.

Hello old friend! :9

Because I am completely obsessed with RHONY right now I’ve been thinking more about this ‘Bethenny is going to take her daughter to meet Bethenny’s mother’ story. Obviously, since she is waiting to take that trip until the autumn, it’s her storyline for when they start filming the new season.

Yeah, I watched that. She was on there to do damage control. Creepy Rapaport looked scared of her, Andy took passive aggressive digs at Luann (I maintain he must have a stake in Skinny Girl because no way could he actually like Bethenny), and my favourite bit was when Sonja was named best dressed and B looked like she

In what way?

I know! I want both back and I want Carole in particular gone. She’s so dull and despite her pretensions of being a latter-day Carrie Bradshaw she’s just an older woman trying to play hipster with her unemployed boyfriend.

Start from the beginning. You’ll find you know these people better than your own family.

Imagine the person who had to film it. They must have been bursting as they held back the laughter. That scene was so staged. Bethenny never cries tears but every time her back is against the wall she trembles her lip a few times and pulls out The Shaky Voice. She’s seriously disordered.

She nicked it off Twitter and the blogs. It’s been flying around for months and, like Carole, she steals these lines and acts like they’re her own.

Nah, it’s dickmatised.

I thought she was even worse on that. She’s horrible and when I hear her voice I just tense up. I cannot begin to imagine what sort of drugs she’s on that make her this bonkers.

I have no doubt both Carole and Bethenny have issues with food (B has said in the past she was bulimic and anorexic, if I recall). I mean, Carole in particular looked painfully thin all season. Bethenny on WWHL last night looked like a death head.

Totally agree. After the Berkshires shit how, where Bethenny shrieked over and over again about what a ‘whore’ and ‘slut’ Lu supposedly is I would have knocked the bitch into next week. But Lu being Lu, she brushed it off and carried on with her life. Lu isn’t perfect but I do like the way she just gets on with

Bethenny’s constant spewing of ‘A friend of a friend told me’ like it equals the gospel truth is beyond irritating. She’s basically saying she bases her truths on random third-hand rumours. What a paragon of truth and virtue (insert Carole eye roll here).

It’s a chemical cesspool. Just buy vodka or whatever and don’t drink too much. Problem solved.

Heather was her chosen warrior her first season. Heather wasn’t totally the strongest but she was the one who would call anyone out. She grew on me over time. Annoying at certain moments but the most together of the lot. If only she didn’t do that huge fake grin.