Hahaha... I really need this season to end so I can go back to having a life. This shit takes up far too much of my brain.
Hahaha... I really need this season to end so I can go back to having a life. This shit takes up far too much of my brain.
I have no idea if you would. I don’t think Carole is Queen Bee, I think she attaches herself to whomever she perceives as the strongest player in the game and then gets them to do her dirty work.
I cannot find this gif anywhere - please direct me to it as I want to send it to my one friend who loves this show as much as I do (we’ll be drunkenly discussing on Skype tomorrow night and I want to make her laugh beforehand).
Couldn’t agree more. Luann is Luann and is the one who truly gives Zero Fucks. Bethenny is one of the meanest people I’ve ever seen on television. I cannot imagine what it’s like to be around her. The toxic waves must nearly knock a person down.
If Carole were there she’d run off to make snarky comments behind your back, probably to whatever wildlife or palm tree would listen. She’s beyond passive aggressive and really does earn the title Mean Girl.
Why does this recap make no mention of Bethenny being a motor-mouthed bitch who bullies everyone and acts like an asshole 99% of the time? Has the writer been drinking Skinny Girl Koolaid?
I don’t know, it was pretty rude of Carole to mock Dorinda’s home and the loss of her husband and how she handles it. Carole is probably the biggest passive aggressive bitch on the show. She needs to go. As horrible as B, just better at doing it slightly under the radar.
I actually gasped when Bethenny accused Jules of not being a good Jew. And was super happy when Jules said, ‘What is wrong with you, Bethenny?’
Gee, are you taking notes from Carole? Because the whole Lumann bullshit played out many seasons ago. Find another line of attack - maybe you can find something ‘clever’ to say from Twitter, like Bethanny and Carole do.
I still don’t get why she’s branded a liar, other than Bethenny and Carole saying it over and over again like it’s the truth. She’s choosing to believe her fiancé about his past and while that may not be the smartest path it’s not the same as lying.
I think the main brand - the margarita - was fairly successful and she made a mint from the sale to Jim Beam but the rest of her products don’t do well, and even the original seems to be bargain bin stuff these days, which has to hurt her bottom line since she earns a percentage.
I wrote a few thousand words to basically say what you said in a couple of sentences. Bethenny is truly vile and a perfect example of getting what you want in life and realising it won’t make you happy because you are essentially an unhappy, miserable person. She is horrid.
Here’s my breakdown - and it’s going to be long, so be warned:
No, Kelly. Even she knew she looked like shit.
I cannot wait to see it, although I dread hearing Bethenny’s voice. Here’s to hoping she gets shut down by Andy (hey, a girl can dream).
Every time I see that runway walk I break out into uncontrollable giggles. It is seriously one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Ramona is nuts but I can’t help but kind of love her.
According to my teens Apple has jumped the shark. They’re going back to PCs (which they build themselves) and are checking out Androids for when their contracts run out.
Um, telephones have not been around for ‘hundreds of years’. Google is your friend. Or, you know, just general knowledge.
Bae is the Danish word for poo. I think it’s fitting in light of this bizarre ‘article’.
This movie did not age well, I’m afraid. Watched a few months ago when it popped up on TV and didn’t even make it halfway.