My thoughts on part one of the reunion:
My thoughts on part one of the reunion:
You’re an idiot with an unbelievably narrow view of how the world and modern families operate.
Oh please. Would you be saying this if we were talking about a man? Or someone who decided to go into the military and went away for years, not weeks? Her career requires her to be away from home quite a bit. She has adequate care in place from her and his extended family, as well as the child’s father being home. In…
Didn’t realise they taught medicine at law school. Shut the fuck up, idiot.
Trump’s already done it.
Actually, bringing your kid along to your cheating activities is pretty bad parenting. Taking a pic of your boner alongside your sleeping son is marginally worse.
Both parents weren’t working. Her husband was essentially a house husband. Do you have a problem with a man being the main caregiver?Or should that only fall on the shoulders of women?
Ridiculous. For centuries people have been separated from their children for work or other circumstances. As long as the child is cared for you’re not a bad parent for having a life.
Too old for this role. Presumably Serena Joy was still of child-bearing age, if only just.
Way too young for the role. Serena Joy would be better played by Milla Jovovich. She’s got the eyes and the chops.
Thank God she’s finally ditched his creepy ass. This dude is seriously fucked up. I get why she stayed with him the first time, though: she was pregnant and probably convinced herself it was a one off situation. The second time, though, she should have cut and run as it was obvious he was compulsive in his behaviour.…
So are we required to agree with every article posted on Jezebel as well as what everyone else here thinks? Because if so they might as well do away with the comments.
I care! I’m grateful to find someone else on Jezebel who does not think Beyoncé is the second coming.
I’m with you. I’ve never gotten the Beyoncé hysteria in the first place and this was pretty zzzz.
I do as well. And he seems like he’s got a brain on him, which is not to be underestimated.
He’s cute in his own way and she could do a lot worse. And has.
I thought it was Gabriel as well! I kind of love that song, actually, mainly because I love Peter Gabriel.
Really? Sure, the PS helped but the most beautiful human ever? Nope. She’s attractive and more than that she’s sexy at fuck but beyond that? Plenty of other ladies and men who could grab the title of ‘Most Beautiful Human Ever’ (which is subjective to start with).
She’s a sour bitch with a bad attitude. She may be decent at footy but at the end of the day she’s simply vile. Good riddance to bad rubbish.