Ahhh... the video where she ripped off the Dutch choreographer! I’ll never understand why she continually gets a pass on her thievery.
Ahhh... the video where she ripped off the Dutch choreographer! I’ll never understand why she continually gets a pass on her thievery.
Rumour has it she had Taylor Swift thrown off the bill. Classy.
I’d watch and pray for her win. Ramona is the kind of crazy I can get behind.
Hahahaha... nice troll. Everyone knows Jezebel is the pinnacle of manufactured outrage. No matter what anyone does Jezzie will find a way to not only write some overly long article about it but also stir people up with faux outrage. It’s why everyone hates Jezebel and why Jezebel continually shoots itself in the foot.
I am inclined to believe that Jezebel would publish a piece this clueless based on, well, several clues: they’ve done it before and defended those to high heaven. And the amount of responses telling me I Just. Don’t. Get. It.
Wait. Is John freaking Mayer supposed to teach me something. Or help me understand this piece? JOHN MAYER? Hahahahahahah..
You’re not actually serious, right? I mean, it took him siring a girl to understand that women are deserving of respect? But it’s still in the context of ‘a man’s daughter’?
Like so many other Jezebel attempts at parody this falls flat. Perhaps because it’s so close to the stuff that is normally published that there isn’t a huge differentiation. If the Onion published this I’d get it. But Jez is no Onion. They can’t do this and expect people to get it due to so much manufactured outrage…
Ok, Grandpa. Now go back to watching Fox.
God, couldn’t get past the first few sentences. He still thinks of women as men’s daughters? And didn’t realise they deserved respect until he had a daughter of his own?
I was thinking the same thing. More money to charity and no tax bill for her. Still most likely he did this to play a game but it’s win-win for everyone, I think.
I still can’t believe she handed a bloody pillow to her driver and told him to get it cleaned. WTF.
Yet she wore white and danced around in bikinis half the time. Not buying anything she says.
Which is why this ‘crying’ was so obviously fake. WE’ve seen the real thing.
What is genuinely crazy for $500, Alex.
Bethenny’s ‘crying’ was as fake as her concern for Luann. The best part for me was the ‘shaking’. Girl needs to enrol in acting class, stat.
And no one else wanted to drink it because that shit is swill.
And having your zoned out boyfriend make pizza that looks like twine. ‘Ooooohhh, baby, we must Instagram this one!’ Zzzzzzz
I never thought Carole was cool. She always seemed like a wanna-be Carrie Bradshaw ageing hipster poser. And that’s my nice assessment.