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    What the fuck happened to Tabitha Takes Over?!?! That show was the BEST!

    I know. I shouldn’t have replied in the first place, I take the bait way too easily. :(

    Replace “LGBTQ” with “Black/Hispanic/Asian/Native American/etc” see how silly this sounds. Are we not human beings apart of society? Should we not be included in movies and television shows just as much as our heterosexual, white counterparts?

    Well your first problem here is that you think that changing a white character to a minority is comparable to changing a minority character white, which isn’t the case.

    Contractually obligated doesn’t mean the powers-that-be actually have to use the character for two more movies. It just means that if they DO decide to use him, Hemsworth has to reprise the role.

    Marvel has proven in their movies and television shows they have no problem changing characters origins and back stories. They could have easily cast Danny as an Asian actor and that he was originally from K’un-L’un or of K’un-L’un descent and wrote the story from the perspective of reconnecting or discovering his

    Why didn’t they, you know, just make Martin-Green’s character the captain in the first place?!

    (and whatever the hell happened at Westchester, which if you’ll remember is where the Xavier Institute was, so it was probably something real grim)

    YES YES YES YES! Other minorities always want to ride the wave of success that’s started by us black people but they never want to show up for us when we need their help. It’s tiring to have to be the face for ALL minorities.

    Isn’t that what I just said?

    Colleen Wing is the only reason I’m watching this show cause that vanilla snoozefest they have playing the lead ain’t gonna cut it.

    Other than that Mastodon design which is way off, I think the rest all look like pretty good updates from the originals. That extra pair of legs on the Triceratops is random though.

    As an African-American, gay male please tell me why I should give a flying fuck about these people after this election? I’m sorry, but I am pissed and I’m tired of having these uneducated masses deciding my rights every damn election. These white people go eight years without being the center of the universe for once

    There’s a great scene in episode eight where Inspector Ridley, Misty Knight, and Claire Temple are all reckoning with each other, and another in episode 13 where Misty, her boss and Mariah have a tense moment, where each woman represents different vectors of power, morality, and duty clashing with each other. It’s

    It’s a made up story/movie about children with superpowers who live on an island in a time loop, managed by a woman who turns into a bird and the thing you find unbelievable is that people of color existed in the UK in the 40's?! Oooooookay.....

    What an idiot. That blaxploitation comment sounds exactly like when white people say “Well there’s no white television shows or actors on BET or Telemundo!!” Are you really that dense?

    Isn’t this how it’s performed in the original stageplay version of the movie?

    Usually when something is described as being “unapologetically black” it means it’s not afraid to center black people and issues that are specifically unique to us, no matter how uncomfortable it makes other people. As well as using cultural references, slang, music, etc. that everyone else may not get or understand.

    Still don’t understand why there’s so much disdain. Paul Feig has now been 3/3 with female-led comedies in my book. Why would this be any different?

    The two best characters next to Mack and May on AoS. Ugh! I knew this was going to happen.