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    The way they handled Sam’s storyline about being a Black superhero in America in this show is what gives me pause about Marvel handling X-Men. They’re going to completely fumble those major themes or only give them a half-hearted exploration in exchange for traditional superhero fare.

    The shutting out of:

    Are those Black, Black Widow’s on the left there with Yelena?!? If so, I am all the way here for it. 

    Those terms they offered....

    ...we couldn’t get a Storm solo movie instead? :|

    I would imagine this would/will probably morph into an X-Factor Investigations movie which I am totally fine with!

    A Dani focused film with the Demon Bear.

    Well, they’re doing the Demon Bear storyline for this so the tone makes sense. Can’t wait!

    Arya is out of her element here. While she and Jon may have surpassed Sansa in the fighting and leading category, she’s got them both beat in understanding politics, manipulation and actually playing the game of thrones.

    She was extremely underused in Winter Soldier and then I can’t even remember her being in Civil War. Such a missed opportunity - she should have had Black Widow’s role in both movies.

    YESSSSS! I would love a show like that.

    I’m so over shows like this. Imagine if someone wrote a show where minorities banded together to get rid of or enslave white people. We wouldn’t hear the end of it.

    I’m a gay, black man, do I have issues in common with gay white men? Of course but when it comes to the intersection of my race and sexually at the end of the day you are still a white man and you still have privileges, access and freedom from having to deal with issues that directly affect me specifically because I’m

    That’s well and good - so in that case don’t say your work of fiction is about women’s issues then. Say it’s about addressing a specific kind of woman.

    LOOOOOOOOOL Goodbye with this trash statement. You’re basically saying don’t show how shitty minority women are treated because it’ll make white women look bad. Newsflash - white women treat minority women shitty on a daily basis, sorry if you don’t want to accept that reality.

    Exactly. This is why it’s important to have people of multiple ethnic backgrounds on your writing team. We live this on a daily basis so stuff like this comes naturally to us.

    Didnt they say in an interview that they stayed away from the race side of things to focus on the women’s issues?

    Sounds like this is what they did at the Hollywood Bowl a while back. They played the movie on the big screen then during all the musical numbers, they brought out an actor who sang each song live on stage.

    While you are correct in saying all forms of humanity have the capacity for evil, by and large, men have been the biggest players in carrying out the evil in our world today - especially towards women. There’s nothing untrue about that statement it’s backed up by history and just plain common sense.

    Why do men get so angry when women state the obvious about us?