
No point in explaining. Folks are so quick to jump on something without even a second to think nowadays.

Damn it’s just the first freaking trailer. How do you know they aren’t going to do the demon bear story arc?

How about a show about what the world would be like without the slave trade? Or one where the native Americans were never slaughtered en-mass by western settlers and disease?

Hey check it out a white dude made a post about WOMEN about him, I’m shocked and surprised.

Yet gay white men are constantly told their gay identity is irrelevant when a matter of race allows us to be reduced to white men. Gay men are minority men, of any race.

Nah, they want to keep pretending that it’s impossible, so the only options are to pretend race isn’t there or completely whitewash everything.

You guys do realize that it’s possible to write a show that adequately addresses both race and gender simultaneously, right? The two issues aren’t mutually exclusive.

You can’t tell minority women to separate their women’s issues from their minority issues - they go hand in hand.

It’s more accurate to say that all of humanity is capable of monstrosity than to apply the label to one gender or another. If you believe that one minority has a monopoly on a negative behavioral trait, you might be a bigot.

Must we save these guys from the Greys?

The hero´s journey? She starts way over her head and gradually becomes a legendary hero?

1) There are not a lot of black superheroes in movies. More than Asian representation? Yes. Does there need to be more superheroes of all ethnicities? Yes, absolutely.

2) ...But it sounds like you’re asking black people to “toss a scrap” to other actors of color and it sounds like you mean that black people should

Well, as a Native American, I can tell you that any person of color has to work twice as hard to be as successful as a mediocre white person who barely even tries.

I was a child and i distinctly remember there not being any magically endowed children who weren’t of the white persuasion. So i can attest personally to the historical accuracy of this film and its lack of a ‘call for’’ people of colour.

is there black entertainment (created by blacks) that seems afraid to center black people and issues?

I try to think of some but I come up empty. Sure, whites don’t usually create ‘unapologetically’ black things.

I had the best back and forth about this on facebook. Castle is canceled after losing its female lead and Sleepy Hollow was not because black women are replaceable.

Vintage Claremont.

That would’ve been a neat surprise in the theatre. :(

So they don’t like her, so what? Doesn’t mean YOU get to decide she isn’t a geek.