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    Wasn’t she the Dora Milaje in Civil War?!? YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! “Move or I will move you.” One line and stole the whole movie for me.

    Well, technically he said the next “X-Film” was going to be set in the 90's, not the next X-Men film. So he could be talking about Wolverine 3, New Mutants, Gambit or any other film they have coming up on their slate we don’t know about.

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA! It wouldn’t be Psylocke without her telling us how her telepathic/telekinetic powers work every other minute.

    Holy shit. O____O

    JLaw has already said in a few interviews that they don’t hit on her being his mother in this movie at all, but that there may be subtle hints or nods.

    What? Geek/Nerdom IS Pop Culture at this point and open to anyone. This need to put rules and restrictions on what is/isn’t and who classifies as such is ridiculous and has been one of the biggest issues with geek/nerd culture, and acceptance of other people into it, for years.

    How could you possibly know they are faux geeks? Is there some registration we have to go through for that? They both always seems knowledgeable and genuine on this shit. Plus, they make stuff more accessible which is always a plus.

    I just cannot wrap my head around why this woman gets so much hate amongst geek/nerd community. She’s super funny, smart, enthusiastic, just a fun person. It’s just comes off as very misogynistic and exclusive. “Oh she’s just a hot girl with big boobs she doesn’t know what she’s talking about! She’s fake!”

    I’m so pumped for this. It’ll be interesting to see what they do with the whole Magik/Colossus relationship though, seeing as per the last report from HitFix - this is taking place in the 80's with McAvoy’s Xavier appearing and Alexandra Shipp’s Storm being an older mentor.

    So that would mean they wrote Bobbi and Hunter out of AoS for nothing, awesome! They were my two favorite characters along with Mack and May. I can’t stand the rest of the team on AoS, including Coulson.

    How is it not convincing without seeing the movie? There’s more that goes into the character than just a look and I think they got the look down pat. He’s a character that can change his size and stature whenever he wants.

    Any person with a half brain could have seen that it was the lighting in that first picture. Probably pink lighting they used to illustrate Psylocke’s trademark psyblade.

    Even if they were trying to avoid the whole “Asian character is good at martial arts/mysticism angle (which is still dumb cause you can have an Asian character good at martial arts and not be a stereotype) they could have still cast any Black, Hispanic, Latino, Native American etc. actor or actress in the role.

    Except Apocalypse in the movie is Egyptian, he simply transfers his consciousness into other mutant bodies no matter who they are.

    LOLOL. Every country isn’t as racially mixed as the United States. I don’t go to a movie in India or Japan expecting to see black, white, Hispanic or Latino actors in their movies.

    ...Scarlett Johansson in the lead role as Major Matoko Kusanagi.

    I’m still mad we haven’t gotten a Black Widow movie but we’re getting a third rebooted Spider-Man flick. Smh.

    The artwork for these movies always leaves a lot to be desired. There’s so much great design out there that people do on a consistent basis and this is what they choose?

    Can’t these movies afford better graphic designers or design agencies? These posters have been terrible.

    I wouldn’t classify comicbook Mystique as 100% villainous, the character is far more nuanced than that. She’s always done what’s best for herself and mutantkind as a whole, so that can go either way on the villain and hero scale.