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    but nothing Matt Reeves has directed has been good

    Honestly, Mya Taylor in Tangerine gave a far better performance than Lawrence in Joy and I love JLaw.

    Creed - African-American director, writer, two African-American leads, many African-American supporting actors, a core story focused on an African-American character but the only person to get a nom is...

    Completely embracing the idea that it’s an all black cast, hitting themes that are relevant to African and African-American people without being afriad that it’ll scare away white viewers, not falling into stereotypes of doing the “right kind of black person” crap.

    I’m excited but not wanting to get my hopes too high that this’ll be the unapologetically black superhero movie I’m hoping for. Marvel knows better than to alienate the core market unfortunately.

    That shot of Storm arriving by thunderbolt and the one with Angel - wow.

    Agreed. Looking at how they treated PTSD/trauma in Jessica Jones makes the way they treated Tony’s PTSD in Iron Man 3 look like a damn joke. They have the capabilities clearly, it just seems like they don’t want to push their movies to new creative or storytelling heights like they’ve done with their television (sans

    Jessie’s yougest son is going to get eaten and people are going to cheer and call him a “dumb kid who wouldn’t shut up” and that’s so sad because what little kid in that situation wouldn’t be scared shitless. Hell, what adult.

    Because Marvel Studios, at least their movies, is pretty formulaic at this point? Their good stuff that’s actually groundbreaking and outside of the box is happening on Netflix with Daredevil and Jessica Jones - not their movies.

    “No More Mutants” is still one of the worst things ever, it made me hate Scarlet Witch, even moreso now that she’s not even a mutant.

    ...it’s 2015 and we’re still casting white people in movies centered on Eygptians stories and mythology. What in the world, did they not learn anything from Exodus?

    Bingo! I think you summed up my frustration with Rick and crew perfectly. Love them but, Rick especially, is way too reactionary about everything and he lacks any serious forethought.

    Exactly. That plan to funnel all those zombies out of the quarry was completely insane. Would have made way more sense to just reinforce the quarry entrances so the zombies couldn’t exit. The group could then come back over a period of time and knock them off slowly with gunfire, bombs etc.

    The Alexandrians are naive and green to the whole zombie apocalypse situation but Father Gabriel (he’s still an asshole) was pretty much right about Rick and his crew - they consistently fuck everything up and get innocent people killed on the regular.

    They said this same thing about Age of Ultron and yea, that wasn’t dark in the slightest.

    Thank you. Just seems like some bullshit throwaway comment to appease the people that rightfully called out another Peter Parker focused Spider-Man movie as ridiculous.

    I don’t think her turning down Black Panther was any indication that she never wants to direct a big budget superhero movie. She later said that she would love to direct one. Working with Marvel just wasn’t the right fit, which is understandable and perfectly fine.

    The women directors listed? Well DuVernay just directed ‘Selma’ and a handful of other smaller films. Lexi Alexander was one of the first female directors to get a superhero movie I think when she directed Punisher: Warzone.

    Don’t think it means she literally wanted to direct this movie. Just that obviously more talented and experienced female and minority directors consistently get passed over for white male directors with little or no experience.

    Just gonna leave this here...