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    ABC is owned by Disney so the show has access to all of it's characters if they want to use them. No, the show is not canon to any of the animated movies. Most of the characters are completely different from the way they were portrayed in most of the movies anyway (i.e Mulan is a lesbian, the Queen of Hearts is the

    I'll believe it when I see but whatever studio makes a female led superhero movie first and it looks good is going to make INSANE money. Don't understand why none of these studio's get that.

    Yesss!! Pepper is back!!

    I personally still think that season two was this shows best but I can't deny that season one was awesome from start to finish.

    The first hour of this movie was pretty good - the second hour or so, no ma'am.

    I'm still going to hold on to the fact that Tara isn't dead just because I don't want to think they'd do that to one of the main characters of this show. Hell, Terry got a grander death than that last season - they can do better than that for one of the characters that's been a mainstay since season one.

    Maryann will forever be my favorite villain of this entire show. Michelle Forbes owned that entire season.

    I think I read on the original EW article that both Milo Ventimiglia and Zachary Quinto are both unavailable during the time of filming, thank god. Love both actors but Peter and Sylar were so played out.

    Why am I attracted to The Game in this video. Damn.

    I prefer the ones we got in the actual movie - especially the ones in the future. These look so clunky and non-threatening.

    But canceling the comic is not going to get them the rights back like - ever. So what's the point?

    This is so beyond stupid if true and only hurts Marvel and us fans. Fox will continue on with their Fantastic Four reboot and if Kinberg pulls out a script that's just as good as the one he wrote for Days of Future Past, they'll have egg on their faces.

    They send back his consciousness into the mind of his younger self - there's no physical time-travel so no chance of two Wolverines meeting each other.

    I think so. If I'm remembering correctly, Beast also made him some sort of electronic harness he wore on his legs in one of the animated shows as well (can't remember if it was Evolution or Wolvie & the X-Men) that helped him walk again.

    For a movie that takes place primarily in the 70's - the music choice was pretty damn perfect.

    It was said in the Empire spread they did back in January that Beast concocts something to help him walk. Also, if you check out the Trask Industries viral site, it says that the company perfected artificial limb's in the 70's. I'm guessing that has something to do with it.

    I think what he means is that there's clearly a weird conflict between the X-Men Universe and the rest of the Marvel Universe - which I agree with. We're suppose to believe people like the Avengers, Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four, who still have special powers, are all celebrated as heroes but X-Men/mutants are all

    Love it! The Sentinel crawling out of the ceiling looks like something out of a horror movie.

    Not all mutant powers manifest at puberty. Jean Grey's powers spiked when she was still a little girl. Also, Nightcrawler was born with his powers.

    You should read the captions that go with the pictures - it mentions that the Chernobyl incident "caused a spike in premature mutations."