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    Okay? If African-American women are falling in line with what white women think about feminism, they ain't shit.

    Kitty could essentially time travel with her powers - quantum tunneling. If she gets enough of a push (faster than light) in her phased state that would cause her to travel backwards in time.

    Yea, seriously - are people really going to be upset if they wiped X3 from existence? You can Bryan Singer can't wait to erase that turd from even being associated with his previous two movies and First Class.

    Well, it seems like the Spider-Man one is really pushing the limit. The only character in his universe that can hold their own spin-off is Venom. Does anyone really want to see a Sinister Six movie?

    I'm thinking both the DOFP and Avengers versions should have just nixed the silver hair. They both look ridiculous - one looks like Andy Warhol, the other looks like he got a bowl cut from his mother.

    As a result of her shapeshifting powers, her cells age very slowly. It's been explained in the comics that she could be as old, or even older, than Wolverine. It was also mentioned in First Class too when Hank's examining her DNA and tells her she'll be like 40 but still have the cells of a teenager.

    Completely agreed! I would hate to have to see ANY legit actress forced to wear that crap on screen.

    I'm not saying she looks like a specific comic incarnation of Jean Grey, she just looks like what a movie-version of a young Jean Grey would look like to me. There's nothing there that says "This is Scarlet Witch!" to me.

    hahaha. She certainly would be a good young Jean. Too bad she's been snapped up already.

    Really like their version of Quicksilver a lot, but their Scarlet Witch just looks like Jean Grey/Rachel Summers being played by Elizabeth Olsen to me. Meh on that one for me.

    Well the X-Men franchise has done a pretty good job with Mystique as a villainess. They've given her depth and had her play more than just a one-dimension, evil bitch just be an evil bitch. They seem to be continuing that into Days of Future Past since that's story pretty much centers around Mystique.

    I'm guessing future Beast will be dead so it'll be a great character moment when his younger self asks Wolvie if he's still alive and the answer is no.

    What? That's exactly what happened in First Class. He had big feet and was superhumanly agile. He went and experimented on himself and changed into the Beast we know.

    Sounds pretty fine to me. He's experimented with his own DNA and gone from human to Beast and back again countless number of times. This seems pretty in line with the character and what we learned about him in First Class.

    Everything about this post is amazing. I wish I could triple star you.

    I could definitely see that. Honestly, even though it goes against the grain, I much preferred the way they got their powers in the Ultimate version through the Negative Zone, than the traditional space travel origin.

    Because African-American and Caucasian people can't be siblings? I'm missing the point here...

    Wow - where did Jamie Bell's name come in? Such an underrated and underutilized actor. Mara and Jordan are awesome as well. Haven't seen Teller in anything but I've heard good things about The Spectacular Now.

    That's very true, there's not very much they could have done with it. I still think it looks good, I just think this is going to be Marvel's toughest sell thus far.

    As a comic-nerd, this trailer was great but for the general movie going audience? I'm gonna have to say, nah. My boyfriend gave me so much side-eye when Rocket and the Groot showed up.