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    Are we taking those DOFP spoilers seriously? They sound like they came from someone at CBM.com.

    If you go to the Trask Industries website it says that the 70's model of Sentinels have been augmented with a magnetic shield boost. I'm probably going to assume that the upgraded Mark X models in the future probably still have that feature too so Magneto probably won't be much help against them.

    I love the sleak, skinnier nanotech design of the future Sentinel. It looks like it'll be pretty agile and able to really fight with the X-Men and not fall over like the original designs which are just way too bulky and clunky looking.

    You're thinking of Shiro Yoshida/Sunfire - Sunspot is Roberto da Casta

    I'm not trying to be rude or disrespect David Bowie because he is a legend - but Beyoncé is an African-American female in an industry dominated by attractive white people. Just based on that simple fact she has to fight ten times more to get to where she is now than any other "normal" artist out there.

    If you go over to the Trask Industries viral site for the movie, is shows that they created a mutant power inhibitor device during the 70's. He could be wearing one of those.

    How embarrassing and terrible, and I'm an SAE myself.

    I think it's so funny and sad looking at some of the comments about the "Partition" or "Yoncé" music videos, especially coming from other women of color on other blogs out there. They're calling her out as showing too much skin or being too sleazy. Oh, but just turn around and look at the comments when it's Trey

    Shonda's coming for those wigs yet again. I don't think my heart or nerves can take another show from her.

    The viral website for Trask Industries says they are 18 ft. tall. The one pictured with Singer is only the Mark 1 model that will be featured in the 70's scenes. The Trask Industries site also says that in 2025 they've already reached Mark 25 to celebrate the 100 year anniversary.

    I'm an African-American male so maybe it's a cultural thing but how is it not feminist? I got the message clear as day. Within the context of the song, she's basically telling her ex sorry that he can't tell her what to do anymore. If you loved it so much we should have gotten married. We're over, I'm doing my own

    I'm so here for Beyonce and this new album. I was nervous after how "4" didn't do so hot (well at least in comparison to her past albums) that she would revert back to club banger and what not. So pleasantly surprised and happy with the growth she's showing on this new album. What I'm not here for? Jealous ass white

    I mean, I knew she was spotted filming a music video the last couple of months but I thought it was just stuff for Grown Woman which she eventually scrapped as her new single. When I say I'm surprised nothing leaked - I'm talking about the music. How do you go this long without one song leaking? Especially since her

    Dropping it like no other to "Blow" and "Partition." Props to her because this was a great move. No promo, no campaign, no nothing. How did she make 14 videos with not a single leak?!

    No original scripts online just concepts by Singer and his original team of writers. Singer was initially going to split and film X3 and X4 back to back and span the entire Phoenix saga into two movies that focused on Cyclops and him dealing with Jean's death and resurrection.

    Well, some people don't think all Marvel properties need to be combined into one universe. I'm totally fine with X-Men being in a movie-universe of their own since it barely makes any sense when they crossover in the comics.

    No, I'm pretty sure Paramount or Universal still have the rights to Namor.

    Well he also wrote the first Sherlock Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Jumper and I thought those were all fine movies. X3's script problems came from the fact that Fox rushed the movie into production. No writers going to be able write a quality script if they don't have enough time.

    Could not be anymore excited for the announcement of Apocalypse as the next X-Men villain. I do not think that it'll be a literal adaptation of Age of Apocalypse though some think. They could simply be doing the same thing Marvel is with Age of Ultron and using the name because it's cool but not doing an exact

    I could not agree with this more. Can you image a Wonder Woman movie directed by Kathryn Bigelow? Amazingness would undoubtedly be apart of it.