
very sunburned after a weekend frolicking in the sun!

hey now, grieving a relationship doesn't have a deadline. give yourself permission to wallow tonight, and start fresh tomorrow!

going out to get red curry and beer! i don't care if it's 90 degrees!

hey guys! quick question— i got invited to a bachelorette party by a coworker that i do not know very well. she is a very sweet girl, and i am thrilled to celebrate with her (i'm understandably not invited to the wedding). is a heartfelt card enough? or do i need to bring a gift. it's at a swanky bar— can i buy her a

this seems to be exactly the case. i left him alone all day and he just texted me. just a classic misunderstanding.

this is the greatest gif i've ever seen

i just started binge-watching after my semester ended and i'm already on season 4. this show is BEAUTIFUL

My best friend is mad at me for teasing him about a girl, since i know he's been going through some crap with an ex recently. i was trying to be playfully encouraging and it came off as cold. so i'm binge-watching Mad Men and snacking on my own foot. why can't i just be peggy olson??

a nightmare. don't do it.

i just moved to one from one that did not and it was life-changing. that sounds like i'm being cute or hyperbolic but NO. LITERALLY. LIFE. CHANGING.

"is that supposed to be a broom? anchor the handle… there it is"

yes. this. none of this sounds remotely believable.

that's the one they mean by "20 years ago". we are old.

i didn't get to talk to my mama today because i moved across the country last year, and she just got home after gallivanting around Ireland with her girlfriends for a week! i am super jealous, but also so glad that after muddling through for most of her life, i am a (sorta) fledged adult and she can afford to do stuff

oh my goodness i just want to rub that fluffy belly! (and i dig the green toes too!)

So glad Sunday Night Sign-Off is here, I need to put this out there:

this lit phd thanks you.

i see where you're coming from, but i think i'd buy into this agency argument a little more if it weren't some old white dude from montana writing this book.

no one has successfully planned a wedding in Pawnee in years!

i finished today, and i am not ashamed. we had a ladies night for the first four episodes last night and made meatballs, if that helps! they were delicious :)