
This is the second article in a row where I’ve seen LovePrayFear say something objectively stupid, so I’m pretty sure they’re just a troll that we should all ignore.

I mean, the Dalai Lama has sort of been involved in politics for a very long time.

They’re pretty sure he’s a Mooslim.

The new Mac is different than I thought it’d be.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

We’ve seen a lot of workspaces with great audio gear in them, but redditor huy- has an interesting collection of

I feel like there should be a “guns for Miter saws” trade in going on. More people should focus on creating rather than destroying.

I feel like there should be a “guns for Miter saws” trade in going on. More people should focus on creating rather

For the cost, time, and effort required to make this thing, most people would be better off spending the extra $100 at Home Depot on a real room cooling window unit that will actually cool a room. It’s an investment that’s worth it, especially if you catch a sale when room cooling units are $100 or less.

*comes back after sanding a car paint job with 220grit*

I see this advice fairly frequently, but I don’t get it. When I’m done with 220, the lines really bother me.

I am 92% positive these are the same person.

The jacket looks like it’s from the 1980s.

That stock photo, ironically, has an ill-fitting jacket (the sleeves are too long and the whole thing just looks baggy).

Fuck Mythbusters.

When all else fails, remember: Zack Snyder is, has been, and will be a hack director.

Meanwhile, in Canada, our new Defense Minister is sworn in;

Psst... That’s the joke....

I know it’s almost like they’ve recently just become ignorant

They’re racists. Lack of education has always been the problem for these turds.