I think it was for his high crime of wearing a tan suit.
I think it was for his high crime of wearing a tan suit.
I mean what were people expecting. Simon Kimberg is a hack. How many shit movies does this guy have to write before people finally pick up on that. X-men deserve better, and I’m sure Disney will finally give them that.
Nope! Still looks like a massive piece of shit ...
Pretty sure America is being forked pretty hard as it is ...
Marrr ... la?
Those sharpeners are great, but when you have a guy in your town that does knife sharpening, makes armor and swords, AND has a last name Greywolf - it’s really hard not to just go to him every time my knives need a bit of work.
Those sharpeners are great, but when you have a guy in your town that does knife sharpening, makes armor and swords,…
From what I’ve experienced, they don’t charge you until they ship.
From what I’ve experienced, they don’t charge you until they ship.
I can’t speak for the 58X, but I’ve read nothing but stellar reviews about the Massdrop 6XX, and joined the drop last month. I think the wait period is about 2-3 months, but if they’re anything like the 600 and 650's (which I’ve read they are), the $199 price tag is a bargain.
I can’t speak for the 58X, but I’ve read nothing but stellar reviews about the Massdrop 6XX, and joined the drop…
Loving the printer, which I’ve had for over a year. The only gripe I have about it is that the wireless connection isn’t very consistent.
Loving the printer, which I’ve had for over a year. The only gripe I have about it is that the wireless connection…
Yeah the building I was living in at the time was notorious for roaches. Where I live now is SO much better. We’re also pretty particular about keeping out space super clean, but still, the old place was horrible no matter what we did...
This. All of it.
Watch this video from InCase. There’s a part about the sleeve folding out.
Watch this video from InCase. There’s a part about the sleeve folding out.
Too late now, but 1) that Dymo label maker is almost always $10, and 2) it’s complete rubbish. I bought one and threw it in the trash shortly after getting it. Jams 85% of the time.
Too late now, but 1) that Dymo label maker is almost always $10, and 2) it’s complete rubbish. I bought one and…
Damn. Beat me to it. ... by like 13 hours.
Damn. Beat me to it. ... by like 13 hours.
Boooo! The deal got voided (???) before I got a chance to buy it. Didn’t know they could just up and void a deal before the purchasing time ran out. Good thing I have another set of these already.
Boooo! The deal got voided (???) before I got a chance to buy it. Didn’t know they could just up and void a deal…
Awesome, thanks!
Awesome, thanks!
that is seeeexy
that is seeeexy
Worth noting that while Beatport may have a huge selection of electronic music with an easy to navigate interface, their categorization system is absolutely horrible.