
Wow, I’d constantly be afraid that thing was going to transform into a Decepticon and slice my head off.

Wow, I’d constantly be afraid that thing was going to transform into a Decepticon and slice my head off.

A country missing u.

Maybe they should have sent the team from Regularsizednesia.

No worries, bro, relatively humidity of under 70% can create weird burbling around the rear deck and mess with the downforce, plus I bet this one had the 24mm rear swaybar and not the beefier 27mm version, plus tire pressure over 30psi and the GoPro blocking your peripheral vision and bad flashbacks from Virginia and

<blockquote>William Faulkner wrote As I Lay Dying in the afternoons, before commencing his night shift at a power plant</blockquote>

my own designed TV stand.

my own designed TV stand.

dude... part of being a man is knowing how to live on your own. This is one of those things everyone should know how to do. It is a brave new world out there, and "gender roles" are all but gone.

Adventures at Volvo Headquarters, Ed. 1: Not All Trolls Are from Trollhättan

Thanks Obama.

You're wrong. If there were a God, he wouldn't have allowed Toyota to keep making the Corolla.

Yes. This one is officially the bomb.

You stated an opinion on religion, so I, as an internet user, must violently disagree with you.

I would say this thing looks silly and a Bugatti is actually a nice car. I guess its what you want in a car. I love Bugatti cause it is a car that can do crazy shit. Not a crazy thing that can sometimes act like a car.

Not laugh?

+1 for Beatport - It might be a bit more expensive than Amazon, but the quality is better (no vbr rubbish here) and you have a good choice of formats.

+1 - I came hear to write the same thing.