
Meh, I prefer Weber

Agreed. Also to have an “opinion” on a game you have not purchased and played does not qualify you to make an “opinon” on said games price. Period. (Edit)

He has plenty of other issues to deal with I think. Mainly the whole spelling part.


I’ll stick with other people fighting while I jam to Megalovania

Wow this is WAY longer than I initially thought, excellent work! Death by Glamour is probably my favorite next to Bonetrousle

I don’t feel bad at all for him. Own that shit dude. You did your best (no pun intended).

Now playing

I love Man-at-Arms but michaelcthulu’s is better

Not enough explody bits

EQUINSU OCHA!!!!!! Uhhhm bumblebee tuna?

Fuck you Jackson. That is all.

I do agree the two games were good but not great though. Maybe if Devastation gets more popular we’ll get that great game we want/need/deserve. I wish High Moon went with the generation 1 aesthetic though.

Dark of the what? Dont speak of such things! You have to remember before High Moon, I can’t ever remember getting a decent Transformers game.

Someone is forgetting about High Moon Studios....

Poe is so fucking cool.

24. Poe is fucking awesome.

I wish they would stop giving Harry a hat on the covers!

No shits will be given unless said product returning is Crystal Pepsi.

This is the kind of mundane but useful shit I see Area 51 in charge of developing.

I didn’t ask for this. Or did I. I asked for this....yeah that’s it. I didn’t ask for this....wait what? Asked for what now?