
I think the Witch Museum was much more tense ;-)

This fucking guy. I loaded right next to him and he wholloped me. So I kited him around a fence whilst blasting him with whatever meager weaponry I had on me.

DQ VIII huh? Well there goes my fucking life. Damn mini medals.

THAT post just happened, haha.

Its snowing on Mount Fuji

Pen & Teller did a bit on this a while ago on Bullshit that was interesting and the Stuff You Should Know podcast just had one on Landfills that was a good listen recently

Yesss! The Kenshin movies were fantastic!

This post is fucking bullshit

Was this the Genesis one? Cause that thing kicked my ass

Was this the Genesis one? Cause that thing kicked my azs

Oh shit! Someone get a hold of the burn center stat!

Current gen looks great but you cant beat the buttery smoothness of max settings at 60fps 1440p (Ground Zeroes). Sooooo good

I second and approve this with a Fuck you Konami as well

It is snowing on Mt. Fuji

Almond milk can fuck off and die. I would rather eat my Fruity Pebbles with water

They make strawberry YooHoo? I just threw up a little.

Delicious play on words my friend.

The Tide button would be useless. My family goes through a giant one in about 4-6 months depending on usage. It would be a very lonely button.

Looks like dog puke foam has evolved into a higher form

Not sure of the consensus because I have never met anyone who has seen them but were Punch Drunk Love and Spanglish at all considered decent movies? It has been a long while since I watched them.