

When money dies, where does it go?

From the title, I was really hoping this was a story about a band destroying a town in Florida.

This is seriously awesome. You’re carrying on the Gawker Media tradition of doing smart, challenging, in your face work. Keep it up.

Which hill would you die on, exactly? The post in question was true, and defensible to the point that Gawker Media obtained a summary judgment against Williams. So the question is, if Univision is unwilling to defend that article, what kind of article is the company willing to defend?

But it’s white people that need to talk about race. We’re the ones holding back the conversation saying “nope, slavery is over! black people can vote! Kaep is rich, not oppressed!”Chris Rock has a stand up bit where he says (paraphrase) his kids have the best chance to succeed, not because of him and his success, but

Attn Trent Dilfer:

The only acceptable answer for a white man in this situation is as follows:

“Regardless of my own take on this situation, I am in no place to give my opinion, as I have not had to deal with racial prejudice at all during my lifetime. I am thankful to live in a country where a tasteful demonstration of

I was having trouble seeing all 12 dots at the same time.

No, but freedom of the press, also in the 1st amendment, ensures that journalists are free to print THE TRUTH, whether flattering or not, without risking judicial consequences. A non-free press has to censor what it prints so that is more resembles propaganda. Obama could take action against ME if I start spewing

How are we better than anything if we’re losing the websites that take on the forces that make life miserable for us, and give us the open forum to express our opinions with little moderation? If I have to sink to someone’s level to save something good, so be it. Sometimes the fight just gets dirty and you have no

The courts are part of the government. A civil suit is only valid if one party did (or is suspected of doing) something illegal. In the US, the presumption is that speech is legally protected, because the First Amendment places limits on the laws the government passes regarding it. That’s why America’s laws on slander

As you will. But I still disagree with your point. It would be a private business decision if they had decided to disagree with the content of the posts or found it unacceptable by their standards, thus deleted it. Instead they are removing the posts precisely for the sake of liability. Which implies they believe the

This is a very good point. It becomes a First Amendment thing when the right to free speech is being curtailed by the legal system itself, not just the government. We’ve had a system for years that worked pretty well involving slander and libel laws. But, as all of us have discovered in the last several years, severe

Oh look! First Amendment issues boiled down to some stick figures! How fucking educated you are!

I agree 100% with what you’re saying. I think those that do not don’t understand that by removing those articles, univision is simply caving to legal pressures - basically admitting that the first amendment would not defend them and the work done for them. Which means, in the case of active suits, the Gawker Estates

However the situation that set up this mess was created by the lawsuit that forced Gawker Media to liquidate. Univision only accepted assets - however in their haste to discard liabilities they are deleting 6 posts that contain factual (if controversial) information in order to reduce legal exposure.

Except that they are removing the content for fear of litigation, which is related to the first amendment. Lawsuits are part of the Judicial branch of government.

♫ “I heard my Momma cry...I heard her pray the night the 1st Amendment died.” ♫

Now playing

I think in a time of our nation where healing is so needed, we owe it to our children and to the world to change the national anthem to Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy.”