BROWNS COACH: So, you guys are pretty serious?
BROWNS COACH: So, you guys are pretty serious?
ESPN also reporting that Elkington is not expected to say that to Sam's face.
Sam: "I dunno, Coach. Even washed-up golfers are giving me shit. This is a really difficult time for me..."
In reply, the Russian Ministry of Culture's video featured some hot skeleton action.
There are higher states of existence.
So if you have a plan, some ID and the moxie to lie you can get around security and get close to areas where you could do some damage to the public, all without the help of anyone else much less the help of the government.
Plows don't even come out for two inches! That is absurd.
Do you live in the south? You're forgetting things like lack of rain which contibutes to slick roads in addition to ice. Additionally the snow doesn't stick...ever and reforms into an ice sheet. My roommate attempted to go to work. His car was iced over. Do you own an ice scraper? He doesn't. At the first intersection…
Travelling or not, she still drives a hell of a lot better than Laura Bush.
It's an orgy of clip art.
I heard that he's also not allowed into BBWAA's official AOL chat room. They take shit like this very seriously.
"Hi, I'm Michael Schumacher, and welcome to Jackass."
Costas is still mad they haven't made soapboxing an Olympic event.
Since he bothered to warn the guy, Philly security named him Most Considerate Eagle Fan of the Night!
Mostly straight guys, and they always at the very least touch and play with them a little. Some have even sucked me off so THAT was always the wild thing, the straight guys giving me head....
Whatever it is, it's sure to be something to mundane that when it's discovered it won't be reported on and we, the public, will never know what it is.
The Nomad was awesome. I mean, you could hook it up to a TV and play it that way.
Biggest plot hole: that video's in landscape, but like an idiot, he's been shooting it in portrait mode the whole time.
What would have happened if Kevin Garnett had decided to take up competitive gaming instead of basketball?
The freakiest thing about this? These guys are playing Tetris.