
“The best course of action is for everyone involved to be honest. You should be clear about how long you think it’ll take the rest of your party to arrive. You should be honest if they’re not coming.”

I went to a church in high school (and for about half a semester of my first year of undergrad) that explicitly forebade premarital sex, and openly condemned homosexuality—or, really, anything that wasn’t heteronormative.

Outside of the fact that they really fucked me up in terms of my openness to sex for a few years (l

Wait wait wait wait wait. Did it get completely buried in this story that the opposing team stayed in the locker room for the national anthem? That makes this a completely different story, and it makes the journalistic context used here seem ridiculous. him or find him to be a gigantic orange buffoon, the

There are plenty of examples of pretty much every marginalized group in America thinking that they get a pass. There are white people who think they get a pass.

Man Pete Davidson has really gone down the tubes since his break up with Ariana Grande...

Fair enough. I struck instances calling him white, though, as others have mentioned, white and black Latinx certainly exist. For accuracy’s sake (because it’s not verified), better to leave it off.

You know exactly what I’m going on about. True, him being gay has little to do with it, but that motherfucker isn’t “white” in the common sense. He’s LatinX.

You are right. My father is Dominican. But he’s black. Here’s the thing though, IF it was the other traditionally white person calling that dude a “faggot”, Would you say it was a white person calling another white person a “faggot, or is it a white person calling a LatinX person?  Be honest. I know what I’D say.

White? LOL. Come on Anne. That’s a gay LatinX person. I hate to qualify, but I am half black Dominican. Just want to be accurate.

In grad school, I worked at our university arena. When PBR would come in, we would sign NDAs about practices behind the scenes. I love me some steak, but they beat the shit out of those “docile” animals and yoke their balls up to get them to perform. 

My dude, if you can dish it you should be able to notice.

you really should watch both. Especially since Jerry media, who is implicated in the fraud, produced the netflix doc. 

Over/under on the odds of her having an especially grating lilted vocal fry?

No way is Carson in her 30s. She looks like a RHOOC castoff.

Goofuto does not approve.

Since many blogs/journalism outlets have fallen into the position of self-reporting on bad actions in the past—in particular, both the pre and post-Gawker Kinja blogs—it makes sense that anyone working for these companies would find paying a subject “arguably grosser” than hiring Fuck Jerry and Co. and having them

It should be noted that the Netflix Fyre documentary was produced in part by Jerry Media, which was also the company that marketed the Fyre Festival. McFarland might have been where the idea originated and might have been the original fraudster, but the marketing materials were full of lies too, such as touting the

I couldn’t tell if his insistence to take full blame and not implicate anyone else involved was a legal thing or if he’s just shit-scared he’ll be offed by one of the shady characters he was dealing with.

On the one hand, McFarland is an even dumber Trump and should never get money for anything. And paying sources for interviews is definitely bad journalism. So ethically, yeah, I see the argument against paying him.
