
So tire of SJW bs trying to blame every little thing on people. News flash: Nature causes its own problems. I can’t imagine that 2400 people a day does as much damage as 3 grown dragons running around breathing fire. Even with only 2 now, I feel like that’s the real issue. Maybe they can enact some leash laws? Or just

Fucking moron.

They finished in their highest standing in the modern premier league (second only to Chelsea). I’d say they can shake off bad purchases fairly well

For the incoming owners, though, they’re buying smaller and smaller pieces of the pie. And it’s a pie whose value isn’t really known — yeah, MLS paid $450m (if Bloomberg is correct) to regain 100% control, but we can’t tell if they overpaid without seeing the revenue figures, and SUM keeps those on some sub-level of

Yeah, I’m down with that clarification.

I’m not an economist, but Noll and Szymanski are. (It’s my journalism degree that I got from a vending machine.)

You have no idea what you’re talking about. Neil deMause is one of the best-respected writers in the U.S. on the subject of franchise economics and stadium finance. He’s been covering this subject for decades, in greater detail than just about anyone. His book, Field of Schemes, was on the leading edge of covering the

You’re leaving out such things as stadium debt, which is a thing for most teams, even those that got significant subsidies.

But, sure, I don’t think any of these teams are going bankrupt anytime soon. Just that it’s pretty unlikely that $150m valuation will hold up, especially if the next TV deal isn’t dripping with

“First, let me assure you that this is not one of those shady pyramid schemes you’ve been hearing about. No sir. Our model is the trapezoid!”

Is that the one where they use two keepers?

Haha no. Though 40's (not the 30's) were hotter than their previous and following years, around the 80's the global average over land and water started to surpass those averages from the 40's. The decade between 98-08 was the hottest on record and the following decade after that is set to be even hotter. Also there

If you can’t tell that I’m being sarcastic, you’re gonna have a hard time on the internet my friend.

Pretty sure the Goro army was a giveaway that it’s a joke.

clearly the part in quotations, stupid

the part where you say its not a mainstream sport and its a niche market...

Probably the biggest copout argument ever to fall back to the Premier League vs NFL example. “I don’t know what I’m talking about so I’ll just throw it against the behemoth that is the NFL and try to look smart!”

Soccer in America isn’t just the PL - it’s MLS, Liga MX, Bundesliga, La Liga, etc that make up an amalgam

“Niche market” explains how Premier League clubs are selling 80,000 tickets for summer friendlies and MLS clubs struggle to get 20,000, right?

You were in Arizona and your experience doesn’t sound current, and in fact you sound like you completely lost touch on any pulse within the community here. In fact, there’s

What’s the local game in America?

This is a classic double dip; and I excuse my French but it fucking sucks. NBC/Comcast wants the carriage fees they charge cable subscribers to shell out for MSNBC, NBCSN, E! etc. which requires a premium tier to get NBCSN and then they want $50 for possibly 2 or 3 games a year on the streaming service.