
wiggle room explains it better than i did. 


typically you sue everybody. see what sticks. take what you can get.

they moved it to the winter so no worries

GCU will be vaping in his moms basement, wont have time for you in that cave when hes blowing those chunky rings of vape smoke

i thought the losing party had to pay court costs in a civil suit, typically. if thats the case then the only benefit of settling, beyond a guaranteed payout, would be avoiding the lengthy trial and potentially losing. At that point i could see the cost being a factor in settling but it sounds like they had a really

participating in or enjoying any benefit, service, privilege, program, facility or activity provided or administered by any State or subdivision thereof”

racially motivated violent interference with a federally protected activity 

what is she reading? because it isnt evident from her diction.

So if you were just the absolute worst server and never received a tip or your manager collects all the tips and disburses them evenly or they dont allow tips at all (it happens) you would be taxed on how much food you sold and not your hourly income added to reported tip amounts... idk seems weird. I was never taxed

servers pay income tax on the amount of sales they make? seems odd.

zero likes because, wrong.

BOOOO! everything about this is wrong.



its cool that your Catholic mommy told you it was true... good source.

hahah so not having sex will drive you to fuck children. you are off your rocker man.

when will then be now?

Trumpette would be the correct phrase if he was implying you are a trump supporter... so he must think you are a brass instrument. That or tsunami is a dipshit.