
you havent made a single, clearly constructed sentence which outlines what it is exactly the you feel Farrow did. We all get the Weinstein part.. what did Farrow do? Just slow down, think about it for a sec if you have to.... now use words to describe the specific “thing” farrow did. Be specific. Use your words.

you are insane


+comment removed due to excess salt and failed attempt at humor risking a comment section meltdown of epic proportions+ 

also, this is stupid.

In the May 1984 issue of GQ, Carter profiled Trump and offered the following physical description of his subject:

this is dumb

well, its great if your a fly.

I get your point but, you (or actually GCU in this case) is shifting the burden of proof and that was more or less my point. Its possible to prove a negative... didnt say that it wasnt but it would require more research and effort on the part of the person who asked the question and not the one who made the claim

my bad. ill just stay over here and not ask questions. Thank you, sir.

well to be fair, the response was posed as a question to you. you made the comment about JC being anti-vax and its much easier to prove a positive than a negative... so “Back that statement up.”

Well, thats fair i suppose but i dont know that being an asshole is indicative of a penchant for rape or “sexual misconduct”. do you have any source material you could pass along?

why are you shocked that there are no misconduct allegations?

who fucking cares.

merica, merica, merica, we do it best we are the best. doesnt matter what everyone else does, we dont want to be a part of the community cuz we do it best. thats why we are the best at everything... look at how good our best players are.. that play in europe. also, parity is irrelevant when you want quality.. id be

no, its really not

wow, you really did a half-assed job on this one Lauren. Kudos to you.

idk... i mean i see your point but i really dont think those are equal

while youre at it you should jump into most things with a 25 year history as close to the end as possible and not do any research about it and then exclaim that it just doesnt make sense because everything should stand on its own

yeah, read the article. snowflake