
Here’s a Hot Take. Mark Cuban can get fucked with a tire iron. Just because he’s not a Trump guy doesn’t mean he’s not another piece of shit billionaire who has no issues intimidating the press to make sure his garbage basketball teams fees aren’t hurt.

Let us remember this latest Bowling Green massacre.

That’s just standard kinesiology

Well, now, hold on. Did he go to school in the south? They teach you it’s okay to touch cousins like that.

Chill out, Darren Wilson. You probably shouldn’t be positing on this site.

skim heads

also, skim.

The stocking cap, when combined with Tom’s concussion water, creates a forcefield around the head. Duh.

All that heat coming out of your head is just wasted calories. If Tom wears a toque in between meal times he gets to treat himself to a broiled, skinless chicken breast for dessert. The pom-pom on top enhances his aura and replaces electrolytes.

Is Tom Brady cold or hot? He’s wearing a half sleeve shirt, a sleeveless hoodie, and a stocking cap. I’m so confused.

Only because rugby doesn’t get anywhere near the coverage...

Really? No one? Ever?

Patriots QB and AFC AKC champion Tom Brady did his weekly call on...

He’s not the only Republican just finding out what his job entails....

alternate headline:

Give me a break. Any player like Elliot or Mixon knows you avoid that kind of injury be keeping your pimp hand strong.

I can explain it, political terrorism.

Involuntary ballslaughter.

Eli: “Odell, why wasn’t I invited to party with you guys?”

Eli, sadly, was not invited