
Rebuttal: Talib is a fucking prick.

Counter-point: Talib is a piece of shit.

Goddamn, Talib is an asshole.

the greatest story ever colorized...

“He’s got a lot to learn about kinesiology before he’s ready for the NBA.”

No stadium could contain that much grit. Just not possible.

Man imagine the cornfed blue collar football guys they will attract. No glory boys, just good players from good families who will really become students of the game. I say go for it.

Still can’t believe we got a such a twat of a president elect...

This is why you need a clear headed, calm, rational President. China will give back the vessel, no harm no foul. Shit like this happens between rival nations. The last thing we need is a hot headed moron who takes anything less than ass kissing as a personal insult demanding retribution of some kind.

Your naivety is positively adorable.

Hairdresser: What can I do for you?

“Can you hear me now?”

He’s wearing camouflage pants.

Uh if the PSU alumni and fan base would, for the most part, acknowledged that Joe Paterno was a horrible human being and stop denying he was innocent and what he was a part of should never be excused just because he was good at winning football games, I might be inclined to agree with you.

I, for one, can not wait for all these narcissistic egos to start feeding on each other. The days of being the winning team will be short lived, and the feasting will be glorious.

Yep, that’s usually how these videos go.

I wouldn’t excuse the driver, either. He’s a dick. They’re both dicks. Everyone’s a dick.

Kristen, the misogyny is even stronger than the racism, here. I bet his girlfriend barely likes him, is afraid of him, and his certainly his possession to protect. Not playing down the racism at all, of course. But his despicable attitude toward women is worth calling out.

The racism is insane, but there’s another thing here. YES, GIRLS CAN HANG OUT WITH GUYS WITHOUT FUCKING THEM! Shocking, right?! The vast majority of my friends are dudes, none of them have slept with me. At the same time, stop assuming girls are sleeping with whatever guys they’re friends with! If you’ve ever heard of

Dude you are wrong from the very first sentence to the very last.