The Hufflepuff Liz Lemon

I guess, sure. I am a man and I think that a lot of misogyny came about to control female sexuality. For what purpose? Because if women are completely free to make their own sexual choices, then some men really benefit, and many, perhaps most men get left in the cold. So, we started calling women sluts so that women

Ditto. But I’ve always had a thing for unconventional hotness. Also... if you haven’t seen the skit where he reprises his role of Kylo-Ren on SNL, you should really check it out. ‘Tis hilarious.

Soooooooo hot

And yet — true gender equality will have arrived when a woman with a face as odd as Adam Driver’s is a big star who garners leading-lady type roles.

“Khloé is very torn on what to do with her and Tristan.”

Everytime I see an article about this I see red. The problem isn’t that men can’t find wives, the problem is that India and China have slaughtered so many newborn girls that it threw off the gender balance of the entire universe.

The disparity is greater if you consider city dwellers actually have a negative population growth due to the realization that a kid cost a lot of money. This male only nonsense is rampant in the countryside among superstitious hicks.

Young Willem Dafoe?

Young Willem Dafoe is threatening people now?

When I was in the UK in February, a friend of mine went across from our hotel to a sandwich cart that had been set up for some construction workers to grab a quick bite. While he was there, he said all the people having lunch were talking about how Trump has it right and they wished they could either move to the US or

Sorry I thought we were just doing terrible humans. As someone who used to work in DC, you know what they say right? It’s Hollywood for ugly people. (that’s why I left DC, wasn’t ugly enough :p)

For lack of a more on the nose way to say this, I have a bone to pick with you.

Oh God. I almost always hate blondes but yeah I’m gonna agree with you on that. She is very attractive. And also the worst. But yeah, I’d definitely hit it.

Girl I hear you. He’s not my type, but I won’t hate. Mine is like repressed straight lace republican or like skater alternative, I’m in a band guy.

First comment, why not both?

Now playing

This reminds me of Tantric practices. I think many men could also take heed to be more mindful to contribute to their partner’s mindfulness. When I met someone who had serious stamina, it really changed the whole experience and just automatically brought to it this capacity to really savour that moment consciously as

I saw Lesbian Bed Death open for Sixpence None the Richer back at Lilith Fair ‘99.

In your defense, Cohen is probably the only Trump crony who doesn’t look like a creature that was invented for the Star Wars canon.

Also, you’ll have to forgive the obviousness of this statement, but don’t all addicts say that?🙄😋🤔 .

Bitch, bye. I’m glad we have mueller now. He seems so much better than Comey. As far as political calculus, and just being above the fray.