The Hufflepuff Liz Lemon

There are still tens of millions of people in this country who are pretty much OK with having Baby Mussolini as our president.

We had a client not long ago who said she didn’t care for Beyonce after that “super political Super Bowl” performance, scoffing and rolling her eyes as she said it. In the next breath, she waxed poetic and starry-eyed about the Gaga concert in our town this past fall. I was at that concert and it was political as

Whites are really up in their feelings over this post!

John Mulaney describing the Trump’s charade of a presidency as “ This Is A Horse Loose In A Hospital” is one of the best metaphors I’ve heard.

Today is my pupper’s first birthday. Here’s a couple of pics at 11 weeks old when I got her. She makes me smile, hope you will too.

Orion and I are sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. We hope things get better for you soon.

hi! my work is crazy also and I’m also heavier than I’ve been ever and also moping about being single. so basically — commiseration. <3

I am so stressed. My house is stressful because of my crazy roommate (although at least that has an end date...) and work has been crazy. My condo association is the actual worse. As of right now, I just want to sell this house and get out. And work is crazy busy and sucks.

welding is serious business. especially the high end version that applies to us manufacturing. we dont make toasters anymore.

Hey buddy. I agree. You deserve better. Here’s a Gif:

Speaking of mush-brain, I completely misunderstood: I thought you were replying to Matisyaho who replied ‘nerd’ to Honey, where’d I leave...

Raising the age from 49 to 59 is such a fucking slap in the face to people- if they do have jobs right now those jobs are looking to squeeze them out especially if they do not want to pay out pensions. This is currently happening in a certain company that rhymes with wrestley- the office in part of my state was told

You’re anti cologne? Man, I loooove a good cologne on a hot man. Super sexy. As long as it is situational appropriate and the right amount.

To paraphrase the immortal words of Ellen Ripley: at least you don’t see wolves fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.

The LDS leadership has been extremely aggressive in recent years in support of refugee assistance and, as a formerly persecuted minority religion, the need to protect other detested minority religions. (There’s a cognitive blind spot there when it comes to sexual orientations, but give it some time.) The people

To be fair, making a bed IS an exercise in utter pointlessness. If it’s your thing, cool. But I haven’t done it in 25 years and so far the only bad fallout from it is parents yelling at me about it. Literally no one else I have ever talked to has cared that I just throw the blankets and pillows on there as long as I

Jinni: many thanks for your active role in the community. I, for one, recognize your time, help and efforts on behalf of others. Thank you for making Jez and The Slot a better, nicer place. Cheers

Hey, compañeros.

It’s so lazy and it’s amazing to me how accepted it still is. I was at the gym one time and happen to catch two broke girls and I was horrified. Not only do they have the exaggerated accent, but of course the asian man is sexless yet a horndog. Also, hungover the movie, I’m sure there are others I can’t think of right

I was talking with someone yesterday (a short guy) who — with despair — said he had heard multiple women say they would date a a tall, ugly guy over a short hottie. This sounded weird as shit to me (full disclosure, my boyfriend is a 5'7 cutie), so I wanted to see if any other ladies here had an opinion.