The Hufflepuff Liz Lemon

Can we take a moment and treasure Amy Adams? She seems like a decent person and you never hear bad things about her. And her talent is so underappreciated. The range she shows is amazing. Comedy, drama, romance, action, etc. She went from faux princess in Enchanted to sexy townie in The Fighter to tormented scientist

Ha, I know the feeling! I get the all-around red face that only fades quite a while later. There is a sweet spot after the gym where it looks like a nice “glow”, in between the heart-attack-face and the usual fairness.

God I love Sahib. Chai Pani, in Asheville is a close second. Ironically what I like most about Johnson City is how easy it is to get out of. There’s are so many great hiking, biking, or water options within a short drive. There’s a great mixed used trail and mountain bike park in the city now. There’s a ton of stuff

Oh hell no, I have this whole page bookmarked and am copying recipes and suggestions into a notepad app on my tablet.

Didn’t she also have a secret dorky side that he appreciated? In addition to being stupendously rich & hot?

Fuck. I don’t know how you feel/felt about having children, but I had a missed miscarriage at the end of the first trimester and it fucking sucked, so I’m sorry for your loss if you think of it that way and for your pain no matter what.

Good luck with your IUD. I got one (also post-fibroid related miscarriage and years of super-messed up crazy bleeding) a few years ago and it was a lifechanger.

OT but FKA twigs is so pretty it hurts me.

I’m so happy people are talking about having surgery for this kind of stuff. Fibroids are no joke and make life so hard. Women should know all the pain and bleeding aren’t normal and there is help.

The cross fit version would require Proper Form, but only one arm at a time for the push up, each set followed by a 100 yard sprint. Rinse, repeat and start saving for joint replacements.

burpees aren’t named correctly either, they’re actually “throwupees”

As a rep of the Mexican American delegation, we would also like to formally rescind our invitation to our barbecues as well. There will be no carne asada, tacos, tortas, aguas frescas, or horchata for you.

To: Kanye

Great article, but this quote:

I don’t value romantic relationships one bit and it DOES fucking matter if I get a big project or write a good book. Bite me, Barbara.

I tell my parents constantly that the most polite and respectful people on public transit are black teen boys. They’re always the ones giving up their seats, helping people carry things or holding doors.

“values financial stability”

The good thing about this SB/SD stuff is that it can be incredibly honest. One of the main things that causes a lot of grief in relationships is wanting something to change or wanting something different but being unable to say because of...judgement. So people stay in shitty relationships because of their family,