The Hufflepuff Liz Lemon

I haven’t, but I have bought new foundation this week. It’s Amber Ward powder foundation with spf. As three different lots of my meds say I have to be very careful in the sun, I bought it last summer and found it worked really well, and as it’s warming up again I bought a new lot. I don’t use it in the winter because

My thoughts are with that poor child’s family.

Last week I found out I was being laid off.

If I don’t answer my mother’s texts she calls every hour on the hour until I pick up. I’ve just recently gotten my point across about BEING AT WORK.

I blocked my mom on Facebook 10 years ago and never looked back. It’s been glorious.

LOL HR is my jam. I loooooove problem solving interpersonal HR issues for large corps.

Best response. We’re on the Internet and who gives a fuck. Lol.

I would LOVE advice- I don’t have many adults in my life who have lived OUTSIDE of poverty long enough to help someone trying to burrow upwards out of it. Sidenote: If you live in either CA, NY or OH (three cities where my Global employer has American HQ bases) we just might work for the same company! I can’t imagine

YOU. Girlfriend. You’re awesome, and I just want to thank you for hiring people like me (unexpected medical bills + recession + chronic underemployment = tanked credit/eviction/mental breakdown) and helping them break out of that well of financial despair. I spent from age 22 to 32 wanting to die every day and not

He’s really one of the last people on the planet who should tweet/talk about women ever, and especially today.

I have yet to walk into an HR dept. (or marketing dept for that matter, but that’s another rant) and not get superior condescending fucking attitudes.

The way his wife looks up at him adoringly is the way Christian fundies like Michelle Duggar and her daughters look at their husbands. So gross.

Not. Well.

I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit

Oh, my. That sounds grim. I hope that this weekend you can take several hours off and lie on a flat surface somewhere quiet and listen to some soothing music. You take care, OK? Eat lots o’ garlic! 

I’m not crying, you’re crying.

i am so sorry you’re suffering like this.

There are unpaid immigration lawyers at all of the airports with detainees. Bless them!

I am tired. I am soooo soooo tired. I want to scream. How is this buffoon our president??? I’ve already called my company’s EAP program to get a therapist. I am on multiple boards for human rights, I am dancing as fast as I can, and I just hit these pock marks where I want to sob.