
Media needs to be covering this issue. Trump is insanely incoherent at all of his rallies, and his interviews have to be filled with edits so they don’t show this.

At first, I thought the headline was a parody. But as I read the article it became steadily less funny and increasingly unnerving.

“He’s blaming it now on... AI. He’s saying... he doesn’t know what AI is, but that’s okay.”

“You know what a clean fake is?” Trump continued. “They’re deceptively edited. They say they’re deceptively edited. All of the mistakes that he’s made every day. He can’t go anywhere without a mistake. Now, if I’m perfect, they say he made a mistake. He did. Perfect. I don’t say clean fakes, although they do. They do

They are so dumb that they need someone else to tell them what to be mad at.

Who let your useless ass out of the greys, troll? Abort yourself.

AI Art Evangelists 2023: “AI Art will revolutionize the world. By this time next year, using advances in AI art generation, humanity will finally know the answers to history’s greatest mysteries.”

“Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior,”

If it’s gonna crash into a cop, Orange county is a good place to do that. (CA Resident here).

For context there are no self driving cars in 2024, this car hit a police car with lights flashing at night, the perceived safety lulled its driver into a false sense of security where he was allowed to let the car drive without supervision. The driver is wrong but I doubt he hits the cop car if he didn’t have fsd

thing is they still would never hire an out actor to play Superman in 2024. this story is from 20 years ago :(

I mean there’s plenty of ways to make people look taller in films, they managed to make Tom Cruise look not tiny for years. And 5'11 is still pretty tall. It’s not like Anna Diop who was way too average sized for Starfire (a wiki says Starfire’s 5"9 but she’s often shown to be as tall or about an inch off from

uhhh, you can just eat animal flesh. you don’t have to “break it down”. ever had lechon? same idea.

They’d look fucking cool, but that’s about it.”

As much as I say “Please shut the fuck up and go away until you’re done with the transphobic shit, Dave”, it DID strike me as just Yang, and most of the cast, being caught off guard by what was essentially party crashing.

Who wants to bet large sums that she pivots to being a “wellness”/anti-vax influencer?

Socialize the risk, privatize the benefit. 

And then fine them for littering.

Let them collapse and be consumed by the seas that they insist aren’t rising.

I’m going to also hedge my bets and say these are the same people that attempt to absolutely pay the lowest amount of taxes possible (or skirt them entirely).