
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s garbage- but pristine isn’t the right adjective when paint is worn off unless you’re choosing adjectives on a curve. It looks great just pristine invokes something that it isn’t.

It’s interesting how these ‘cleaning house to go in a new direction’ layoffs never seem to clean out the people at the top that greenlit all the bad decisions that led to the layoffs...

He finally won the unanimous popular vote fair and square!

Finally some @#$! Justice!  Well done New York(ers)!!!

He’s also a first time felon, so sadly - if we want really to “treat him as others would be” - he more than likely not get jail time for a white collar crime like this, much as I wish to see him in an orange suit to match his complexion.

Man, I want to be happy about this but I feel like this doesn’t mean anything if he’s not going to jail. Plus, he’s basically a “martyr” now and his sheep will defend him even more smh

i mean it was certainly a talking point when it was released. a lot of maga bluechecks will tell you it’s the reason it failed.

What exactly does Captain Coke-bloat do at Tesla anymore to even deserve that kind of paycheque?

Stay cute, babe. Elon won’t sleep with you anyhow.

Toy Story 4 was a cash grab. Lightyear was a cash grab.  Toy Story 5 is beating a dead horse.

Lindsay Collins, Pixar’s senior vice president of development, admitted to the outlet that even her own son viewed a possible Incredibles 3 as a “money grab.”

It seems like they aren’t filtering out conservatives, they’re filtering out untrustworthy liars who are causing harm with misinformation.

FYI for those going “I thought weed was legal there”. It actually is complicated. Basically “coffee” shops are allowed to sell it in small quantities and it’s intended to be consumed on premise. Possesion outside that setting is still illegal and because of the illegality basically everywhere else in the EU, its

Not to mention the critic’s certitude that this is a settled topic, when we’re really just getting into it.

He is a piece of shit, for sure.

I thought hallucination is when AI doesn’t have any information so it just makes something up. It this case it is scraping bad information and then reporting it which, while equally bad, is a different problem.

scriptwriting software: humans like coffee

J.Lo starring in a bomb?  What is this, any year after 1999?

Wow. That sounds like the worst A- movie ever.

This seems deliberately worded to shift blame away from Republicans who are the obvious source of most causes like this