
They better update those databases then. Every time I use GPS it seems like speed limits are off from the physical signs on the road in many places. Otherwise they’ll probably start seeing people disabling these new features in places where they don’t do regular inspections.

You lost me at “Elon Musk Says”.

Who does he think is going to pay us this “universal high income”? Certainly not corporations, and for the government to do it they’d need to drastically increase corporate taxes. Musk hates taxes and thinks the government should be as small as possible. Are...our future AI companions going to pay us??

This is weird.

Rich with no purpose, that does sound like him.

He is so dumb. Just so very, very dumb.

Remember how Elon talked about how de-platforming Nazis and other scumbags just allowed their views to fester in private where no one could keep track? Now they can have a platform AND hide their shitty views until they can be normalized by appearing on Elon’s trending leader board!

Posting on X materially supports White Supremacists and Fascists. Simply stop going there.

I totally agree, the pause between seasons in TV is starting to become very detrimental to the shows themselves.

Jesus, they’re going all in on harvesting user data.

Tesla specifically states their system can handle fog and will simply slow down to account for the distance it can see. It can, in fact, see better than humans in the fog. This should not happen. The better question is if the system can’t see, why was it able to be engaged.

Because Musk said it works and is better than humans.

It’s Tesla’s newly renamed, “100% complete autonomy driving mode (with direct and constant human management and guidance).

Parents are to blame. Do more research.

The Wonka thing made a big show of itself as being a much bigger and better production than it was. Glancing at this Facebook event, it seems like “dude in a Bluey costume and a couple loose activities at a hot dog restaurant” is exactly what they were advertising, and therefore exactly what the adults in this

200 to 400 human-built objects reenter through Earth’s atmosphere every yea *for now. That number isn’t getting smaller. We can do better than “thoughts and prayers” when it comes to deorbiting satellites. It’s ridiculous that we just figure the risk is worth it when it’s created by private enterprise for profit. Is

My first thought when reading the headline was “is it that they’re Teslas?” Then I kept reading and learned “Yes, it’s that they’re Teslas.”

The virologist trying to fight her 105 degree fever from licking shitters.

Just bc something has been around for a long time doesn’t mean it’s worth continuing. Your bloodline for example. 

Yeah, that didn’t happen.