
did you know saying that trans people were targeted during the holocaust doesn’t diminish the other groups who were targeted? unlike you who seems to want to diminish holocaust victims. not a cute look tbh.

It’s not appropriating the Holocaust to correctly describe the people that were targeted, persecuted, imprisoned and killed by the Nazis. It is not denying the fundamental anti-semitism of the Holocaust to recognize the multiple other groups that were also targeted, whatever their numbers. In fact, it is essential to

Yes, don’t you understand, anyone having an opinion you don’t like is automatically bullying, even if the target of their ire is a billionaire

Is it really bullying to say “don’t buy a video game because the billionaire owner of this franchise is not a serious person”?

The bigger problem is the study is published in a peer-reviewed journal. It was allowed to be pushed through with a bunch of misleading conclusions from the authors, when the data does not support those conclusions AT ALL.

Yep, was going to comment this. Not significant at all and a very misleading article. Either that or the author does not understand correlation coefficients.

Every accusation is a confession with these people. Of course there’s illegal trading of this stock. The stock exists for the purpose of money laundering.

This is a garbage article to a garbage “peer-reviewed” study. From the link directly to the study, the model had a r=.13 correlation when tested outside of the the source photos.

Whatever happened to that “free market capitalism” that the GOP has been screeching about for decades? /s

When can we expect people to “grow up,” though? Taylor Swift is in her mid-30s, and a lot of her fans are the same age, and have been following her like a role model for their own lives. The culty zealots include post-collegiate working adults with daughters of their own. This isn’t naivete. These women are insane.

If you’re losing trees in Seattle, you have BEEN planting the wrong trees. Our native west of the Cascades trees are doing just fine. They may not be the trendy ornamental nonsense that short-sighted urban “decorators” prefer, but those are the tradeoffs. If you can keep it watered until the roots get to the water

Not at all, and shows a misunderstanding of prion diseases.

I think it might be the fact that they spent over $50 million last year and made $4 million. Investors are very wary of social media businesses with no draw except one outspoken user. Especially when that user may end up in prison very soon and won’t be using the service ever again.

Yeah, but the difference is that these guys are by far the more heavily armed individuals when interacting with the public.

Isn’t it awesome that there are no bots on Twitter now just like he promised? 

So they’re changing the URLs in TWEETS but their actual URL is still TWITTER.COM! What a dumpster fire. 

Dismiss your troll please.

He’s just pissed that everyone still refers to it as Twitter and Tweets, and literally no one but his underlings who don’t want to get fired call it X. People have even stopped saying ‘X, formerly Twitter”, they just say Twitter.

I burned mine to the ground when he let the nazis and the fascists back in. Fuck that guy, fuck his companies.

No one should still be using that place anymore. Its bots, malware and phishing with a side of crypto douche bro.