
“George Washington didn’t have access to pornography, therefore there is no historical right for porn to exist.” -Clarence Thomas, probably

Just a reminder that DiGiorno is a Nestlé product, and Nestlé is evil.

That sucks, because streaming is garbage.

I noticed a trend among MAGAts that was echoed in this thread. It was noted that the stock went up... momentarily. It was no longer considered relevant as that same stock dropped like a stone again.

Honestly, who wants to turn a vacation into something this stressful and this complicated. If I’ve got to run to make a ride because I’ve got an appointment for it at a certain time or have to choose one ride over another becase I can’t have both, and added to that, I can barely get on a fraction of the rides anyway du

Will you please run instead of Biden then? You can make the turnip VP

I’d vote for a turnip if it meant preventing Trump’s return to power, but not everyone feels the way I do.

To his supporters Trump could poop himself and make all sorts of weird noises and never say a single actual word and they’ll say he won.

Christian nationalism needs to be stamped out by any means possible. It’s a very real threat to our democracy and the American way of life we enjoy. 

Republicans want a nationwide ban on all contraceptives. They also want to end no-fault divorce, same-sex marriage and a whole host of other things. You really need to read up on Project 2025. 

It’s not okay to wait a month for a doctor’s appointment, it’s not okay to have dirty streets in the city with one of the highest income taxes. And it’s not okay to put the responsibility on paying waiter’s salary on the customer. It’s time for change.

I miss when “digital creators” had to have talent. Or a unique voice. Or a unique perspective. Or legitimately any use or function outside of “lol i maed u mad an u clicked.”

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Honestly this! If this magic key is so powerful, it needs to be managed accordingly with multiple levels of security logging. That someone could just leave it out on a table is a massive failure on multiple levels.

Oh geezus a both sides-er. It's all on one side. 

It is much easier to simplify but knowing that I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting the staff he’ll bring and cabinet he’ll appoint. Biden winning means having an executive office that will appoint competent people for the various positions that can have real impact on our everyday lives instead of a handful of

Claiming that Biden is trying to divide the country is not only laughable but also facetious. Biden has said many times that he is President for everyone. Trump routinely refers to his rivals as vermin that need to be rooted out. He’s a fucking psychopath. Don’t try and equate the two.

False equivalence. It’s a fucking shame that these are the two only options for President in a country of 330 million people. However, you cannot equate Biden with Trump. Biden was trying to be respectful in 2020 during the debates. Trump has zero class or decorum. He just doesn’t shut up. He doesn’t possess the

Pay $10 a month to spied upon?  I’ll pass.

I woudn’t put that in my house if they paid me 10 bucks a month.