
In addition to the security concerns, potential hacking, etc., it’s also unnerving to think where we’re going with the definition of “pornography.” Video websites like Pornhub are making the news so far, but what’s next? Will they cast a wider net around educational materials, biology textbooks, pregnancy resources,

Their regular pepperoni pizzas sometimes have about three or four slices per pizza. So I guess the “maximum” pepperoni is... ten pieces of pepperoni? The entire brand is garbage.

I’m with you. I’ve been surprised by the downfall of physical media. The western half of our country is rural, mountainous, and cannot reliably support phone calls let alone streaming videos. When I lived out there, I always watched DVDs. Even though I live in a bigger city now, I still buy physical media (or I

I wish. Our grocery stores still have the kiosks, but they contain no discs. All of the kiosks are broken open, swinging from side to side, or hanging by one screw, or with a random panel just sitting on the ground, etc. At every single location, it’s now just broken, rusted, blight. At the closest store to me, the

In upstate New York, we went from a freezing snowstorm to surpassing 90 degrees in just one week this year. There’s been less of a spring and less of a fall every year, so now it’s just extreme weather for almost all 12 months.

Fully agreed. I wouldn’t do all this with a group of friends my own age. Add in a few jetlagged, cranky 4- to 8-yr. old children?? No chance whatsoever.

A single stock went up, then down. That’s not “the economy.” 

It’s bots fighting bots, with a few random people staring at it bored.

I thought this “how to” article was going to provide us with tricks for not gouging out our eyeballs, not tearing our ears off the sides of our skulls, etc. We can find the right TV station, but we need help to survive this mess.

One of West Virginia’s state-level legislators has been on a tear about condoms. He wants to limit who can purchase them, and how, and where. His suggestion is that unmarried people should be blocked from buying condoms — and since he also says that there’s no such thing as same-sex marriage, it would mean that gay

Agreed, this stuff is situational and conditional. That’s what makes this man’s actions so despicable. He’s too thoughtless and lazy about it.

There’s a mom in Utah whose entire gimmick is throwing food in the garbage. She pretends to give cooking instructions, but as she goes along, the ingredient combinations gradually get weirder and weirder. At the end, she laughs, and she throws it all in a garbage can. It’s basically like, “made you look!” type of

This will become the story that people cite in the 2050s.

Wow, that is a very, very long movie just to say: “It’s cold.”

They say, “I like him because he tells it like it is!”

During the retelling, when he had to come up with examples of words in the English, he ended up just naming the things right in front of him: “person, woman, man, camera, tv.” Someone with a working brain would’ve told the story more like, “I had to remember a list of words, like: pineapple, bison, silver....” But

Cool? That life sounds boring. Do you ever look at a tree, the sky, or another person?

This awkward pace just looks like an erection.

Rosario Dawson in Rent? I know some people are tired of that style of rock musical, but I think she was excellent in the role. Shows off multiple sorts of talents, too.

Neat! This was so unexpected. Like the Al Gore / Tommy Lee Jones connection.