
The first time I went to Burning Man, I was actually really delighted by the remoteness of it all, and by feeling so disconnected from the outside world. That’s like, literally the point of the festival.

I am going to go with option 2. Five bucks says he sexually assaults someone else within a year and a half.

Here’s hoping they do throw him a party, with alcohol, and pictures of him drinking are posted on the internet — clear evidence of probation violation and back he goes.

here for it

So what you’re saying is that Burning Man jumped the shark. This we knew. It’s supposed to be a trade economy commune, and ceased being that years ago ... luxo helo rides is just the latest iteration. The festival is now just an excuse for people to say they’ve been there.

Well, I’m sure he learned his lesson!

i’ll make my own way there, thanks.

It’s probably a waiting room somewhere. When I served we all just sat around in a giant room and everyone had phones and computers doing work or reading or whatever. It wasn’t until your name was called that they took that stuff away.

The location where you’re currently living should be the locationon your drivers license unless you’re a student. Or at least that’s what I was told when I had a similar issue. When you update your license they should give you the option to update your voters registration.

i want to do it, too! but not if taylor swift is involved.

If they have the same technology level, they’d be able to detect Jupiter for sure, probably Saturn because of the wobble. If the alignment is right they may be able to detect Earth or Venus via transit. The other rocky planets are too small. The other gas planets are probably too long period.

There are necessarily some assumptions made, but there’s a belief that mathematics are essentially universal because regardless of language and methods of communications we can always use the periodic table as a sort of Rosetta Stone to find common ground. Whatever you call them, the basic distribution of elements in

Because we would find it nearly impossible to establish any common trans-stellar language without it. It’s also quite difficult to make a useful radio transmission without math.

I like surprise visits from friends, too, but anyone else should, at least, leave a message so I can ping them back later.

I think the idea is that, because we all exist under the same set of physical laws, we would all experience the same phenomenon and that we should be able to understand an alien civilization’s means of describing that phenomenon by relating their infomration to concepts we know.

Very. The nice thing about math, physics, and chemistry is that they don’t need human interpretation to be consistent.

There are no such things as “alien civilizations.” Kirk Cameron disproved this silly and heretical idea simply by using the existence of tropical fruit as a counterpoint.

Hell I’ll be happy if we discover proof positive alien life of the microbial variety in my lifetime. I’m sure its out there, but to have it confirmed would just be nice. If this signal is some advanced civilization... :D :D :D Probably not, but I can dream.

Once we detect patterns in the signal that couldn’t possibly be caused by natural sources, such as a stream of prime numbers.