
NPR had a piece on Stranger Things last week...the show’s creators seem especially impressed with Millie, saying that it’s as if they’re working with a 40-something actress and not a kid.

I just watched the entirety of this show over the weekend and it feels like a gosh darn miracle. The kids did such an amazing job and were freakin’ adorable. I’m really nervous about whether a second season can pull it off again though. This show has so far been a great self contained story that introduced and wrapped

I was very pleasantly surprised by the kids in Stranger Things. I’m usually not a fan of child actors playing a huge role in things - maybe it’s PMS (Phantom Menace Syndrome) - but I really enjoyed the performances by these kids. Dustin and Lucas were the best in my opinion. They felt very much like the characters

Right? I thought it was weird enough that the “Equality State” would be the one where the most famous thing that’s happened there in my lifetime was the brutal murder of a gay kid, but after reading those statements I’m realizing exactly how low the bar is for Wyoming.

How much has she changed? She has consistently said how much she has been inspired by her trips to Australia. In 2013, she wrote “To me, Aborigine Australians are the most natural people. They don’t live in the past or the future, but in the present. They have a story and meaning for everything.” That’s clearly well

Climate change >> increased undesirable activity and consequences.

Yeah I’m Australian and we did history on all of that stuff and this reads so much like those first Europeans writing back to England. They always went on about how “weird” and “other” these people were and it's like? That's exactly what her little diary excerpt reads like. Which should really tell everyone something.


Well, if they don't look like her or sound like her or act like her, they must not be human beings then.


These people are never actually sorry. She disavows the statement, but does not acknowledge that it was racist and really never apologized. That says a lot.

The reason is almost certainly staffing. Any time jail inmates are moved from one area of the jail to another (such as between the showers and the holding area) they need an escort by multiple officers. That can be a logistical hassle for smaller jails, so they may just decide to solve the problem by skipping showers.

nope. He looks too intense; as in that "see I'm trying to look intense" way. But really they fold like a little, bitty baby if their pot isn't delivered on time or Mom washed the wrong jeans.

Right? I’m 34 and I’m like, nope. This kid looks like he’s in high school. I imagine he smells like Axe body spray, hair gel, and weed. Or, like, an Abercrombie & Fitch, Red Bull, and the Febreeze his mother sprays around his bedroom. Nope.

I’m sure he’ll be carefully groomed for a future in politics if he chooses. Although this photo set won’t help him, if you want to show off your body you’ve got to make the poses look natural like JFK used to. Like you’re just you know hanging out on the beach, on a boat or riding a horse shirtless through a mist.


I asked the commenters above why they don’t trust professionals in the field of climate science in the same way that they trust chemists, physicists, and other scientists. There are millions of degree-holding scientists who agree with one another. You gave the example of one single politician who lost an election. I

Here’s what I don’t understand. Why is this field different from chemistry or physics? If this article were about a professional chemist’s discovery of a new method for synthesizing plastics, would you interrupt to say that he’s wrong? If a physicist proved an old theorem that shows that black holes are more common

All lies. You spoke about money, and said there was no negative impact to our current economy. Also, there is not “big big BIG money” “tied up in all of this.” The biggest money is in denial (e.g., Exxon), and the majority of scientists working on this are actually low-income temps at non-profits and schools. Your

All the things you say in those quotations are words and concepts I never said. There’s no such thing as a “normal Earth” or a “bad Earth,” and I never even hinted at that. My original comment to you states almost exactly the opposite of what you just said that I said. Jesus.