
I hate hate hate it when journalists use wiggly adverbs like: purportedly, reportedly, or allegedly.

I think Dvorsky made up most of this article.

Great idea! Let’s also pray that the bubbles go away while we’re at it.

He’s an olive ridley, not an olive turtle.

Well that’s because you are rich enough to pay for all of the people who aren’t rich enough to pay for health insurance themselves. Der.

Actually Othello the character could likely have been anywhere from MiddleEastern to Black as the Moores ( more accurately the people who came to be known as the Moores) where initially from the MiddleEast but conquered the North African territory that became their power base.

Why wouldn’t black men be able to play Hamlet? I get that Othello is pretty specifically black, but virtually every other character except maybe Shylock in the Shakespeare canon is ethnicity-free, and new interpretations playing with gender and race are WAY more interesting because of it.

One time my boyfriend noticed that I had a hair stuck to my face. When he went to pull it off my entire cheek drew toward him like he had hooked a fish. When it finally released from its pore it had to have been four inches long. I look at myself every day, how did I not once see that growing!

The commonality of denying girls an education over clothing doesn’t make it any less wrong.

My mom frequently bought me boys costumes. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one was the best by far. So, you *can*, but the issue is that little girls shouldn’t be getting the message that those things are for boys. They’re for everyone.

All they had to say was “we appreciate you taking the time to address this matter. Our current fall line is closed, but we will address our need to expand the costume choices for girls in the near future. Thanks for being a customer.” The end. Why are people so bad at public relations?

How do they feel about this kind of dinosaur?

Which raises an interesting point about a candidate who wants to be president but wasn’t born in the US. Are the right-wing birther crackpots not going after Cruz because Canada isn’t in Africa, or because he’s white?

Yesterday, Ellen Page confronted Republican candidate Ted Cruz at the Iowa State Fair

That flamboyant squid worm was so hypnotizing. I could watch that for hours.

You underestimate your geeks ;)

Just a little correction, chlorine does not breakdown into bromate, it speeds up the oxidation of bromine.

I’ve barfed mid-beej before, just once. Boy thrust too hard, and BLAM! Puked on his dick. I eneded up swallowing it, didn’t even stop. Ever since then, I make sure I’m 100% in control of the depth and thrusting.