
“Homosexual Acts”

“[Money], I just feel like it’s not important.”

I find it rich that the same people who complain about lazy people on welfare are the ones refusing to, you know, actually do their jobs.

Theoretically this isn’t that different from chicken parm, but I get the feeling that the execution will be appalling. And greasy...

“Catching up” implies that they hang out on the reg. I love this idea so much. What do you think they chat about?

I don’t disagree. HOWEVER there is a bit of a chicken/egg phenomenon happening here. Sometimes you can’t watch the women’s game on TV because it is not being shown. Therefore of course it is not going to get revenue dollars because it is not getting any exposure. Then we can point to their lack of revenue dollars as

What pisses me off about that statement is that it is a straight-up lie.

Yes, I agree, women who play professional sports should be fairly compensated. And the disparity between losing in the first round of the men’s FIFA World Cup and winning the women’s FIFA World Cup should not be so stark - particularly for an organization wit h so much money running around. HOWEVER, some of the reason

What does one do on “Confederate Memorial Day”, I wonder?

All the warm milk, magic underwear, and singalongs...none of the booze and/or weed.

Presumably they spent the evening playing Girl Talk, hoping to figure out how to really connect with women this time.

Ah yes, because every dick that touches you removes one of your vagina petals!!!

Having done acid, I want to say... YES.

It wouldn't be worse. It would be illegal, though, because trapping/hunting/killing park squirrels is illegal in New York.